When I almost said no to going on a beach holiday simply because I was going to be surrounded by a bunch of skinny girls in bikinis and I would once again feel uncomfortable in my shorts and tshirt routine. I ended up going along, not in a bikini but 15 pounds lighter. 15 pounds to go and I will finally be at my goal…
Feel free to add :)
I'm 19 too with the same goal as you! Feel free to add :)
Not really an answer to your question but I am about to start 30 days of paleo and read that you shouldnt weight yourself until the end of the 30 days.. Kinda sounds like it may be normal to put on weight in the first few days otherwise they wouldnt say dont weight yourself.. Just a thought :)
I'm at a plateau too. Ive been eating at about 1200 calories so have upped them a bit as a lot of people on here have said I need to eat more. Not sure what your calories are set at but maybe you need to eat more/less?
I've purchased Nature's way Efa Gold coconut oil off Amazon twice. About $13 for a 16oz container. I havent tried any others to compare it to but I think it tastes great :)
Well done you look great!!
Feel free to add me! Next month I will return home (NZ) from living in the USA for a year! Fortunately enough I havent gained any weight since being here but plan to go Paleo once i'm home to hopefully lose the last 20 pounds which have been kind enough to stay with me on my journey in the US.
A proper breakfast would be a start. Ditch the 140 cals of creamer and use those calories for something more substansial. A big bowl of oatmeal, eggs, whole grain toast, fruit etc. Make sure you eat protein, have boiled eggs, greek yogurt and fruit, tuna etc as snacks, they will help you feel full in between meals.
I like the way you think! Interested in hearing answers..
I dont understand why anybody would want to put all those chemicals in their body in the first place.
I'm a little over 5'9 and trying to lose about 15 pounds to get to a healthy weight more my height. Always looking for more friends so anyone can feel free to add me :)
0% Greek yogurt with a bit of crystal light mixed in :P
Awesome!! Love giving blood, such a self-less thing to do!
Can someone explain to me how this works..?
You look great! Well done :)
Feel free to add me :)
Feel free to add me! I hope I can some offer some support
I'm 19 and looking for more friends :)
Feel free to add me :)
Tuna in spring water and plain Greek yogurt!!
Mix it with crystal light.. Weird but good :P
Shocking isnt it.. I always ask for the dressing on the side. Thats where all the calories are hidden. Balsamic vinegar is great for a low cal option!
Worst time of the day for me also.. I always crave sugar but I just have to force myself not to give into the cravings! Its hard but after a while they do go away! Try to keep your mind off of food. Chew a piece of gum, go for a walk etc
I just use facebook and MFP. Even these 2 take up enough of my time!!
Not for that long but I am a New Zealander working as a nanny in New York :)
All the best for your journey! Looks like you have made some massive changes already :)
I moved from New Zealand to New York and I miss coffee!!! We typically only drink espresso so its hard to get used to the filtered coffee here :(
I'm a New Zealander living in New York. I always get "oh your from NZ? Its like Australia right?" We feel the same about Australians as Americans feel about Canadians so stop comparing us!!
Auckland, New Zealand but am living in New York :)