Gorgeous. You look like you are in your freakin' 20s!
Awesome job! Looking great. Like you have turned into a different person.
Amazing! You did incredible.
I climbed a tree. Never done that before.
That is truly phenomenal. You should feel amazing!!!!
The protein actually prolongs the energy effects of the coffee.. It is like I am kind of on crack. lol. I don't drink coffee much.
This made me LOL so hard.. I seriously think you missed out on what could of been an amazing night.
You look incredible! I hope to someday see that kind of transformation.
Nice username.
AWESOME !!!! You look incredible. You look so much younger.
I don't think I am really ready to date. Going to focus on myself and close down the dating accounts for a few months. I really need to be focusing on my health, my career and my daughter for now. Thank you guys so much for all the support. Feel free to add me on here.
Thanks a lot everyone! I am 2 lbs from being in one-derland. I think I am going to go on an 10 mile hike to celebrate. I can't even fathom being in the 100's. It's insane to me.
I sent her a text last night and asked if she wanted to do something this week and she said that she was busy with work all week. She didn't attempt to make any new plans. She had told me before that this week was busy because of inventory... I am a little deflated but it is a busy week for me also. Should I take this as…
I decided to give her a 3rd date and it actually went really well. We went to playtime pizza and had an awesome time. It was my first new kiss in 2012 and it actually felt meaningful. I do get worried when I start to actually like someone though. It has went so terrible for me in the past. I don't quite know how to act…
That is totally true.
The date went well. We both had nice conversation but I am not sure about us as dating. We are so similar that we would probably be better off as friends. Honest question though, is it worth it to pay for POF's premium dating service? I have been on tons of sites and have had the best luck on POF.. Should I get a 3 month…
Yeah true. I haven't dated in so long.. I don't want to force anything or give her the idea that i'm not interested... I guess this one will see... I am thinking about a steak though.
Date Number 2 tonight: I invited her out to Outback. She really seems interested in going. The old me would immediately assume it's for a free meal and night out. The new me knows that a single mom isn't going to just spend her time away from her kiddo with just anyone. Any advice for me? I am still getting used to this…
Single(Two year streak so far.) Dating though.
Yeah and having some success has really helped with my thick skin. I have trouble dating multiple people at the same time, so I am not the best fisher.
So.. is this picture one you guys were referring to? Like of me going out with friends?
You do know that 18 years old is legal age right?
The date went very well. She seemed to really like me. We clicked. I can't think of a negative thing to say. Was it an oh my god passionate date? Nope, we just walked and rode rides at the fair. I had a great time and tonight is my birthday get together at Oaklawn Racetrace(casino portion). Let's hope that people show up.…
Don't get a complex. Just workout, eat right, and you'll see results. I always called myself big-boned or whatever. That is not the case. It's called being fat. It's when you take in more calories and fat then your body needs so it stores them in various places. No excuses. Large bones or not, healthy is healthy.
Okay so here is the joke. On my phone, this appeared as "Job interview, If I do wear a skirt, do I wear panty." I immediately assumed the worst and was going to reply with something like "Not if I am interviewing you!" But, since we are being serious, I would say the more professional you dress, the better. I work in…
Yeah, the whole heavy set thing is merely because it's the closest thing to "Few Pounds Over." I am pretty much average now, at least for an American. Ha. Also, toots I weighed 300 lbs 3 months ago, I still am very much in the heavyset mindset.(<- putting those two words together made me giggle.) I updated my POF quite a…
Happy Birthday Jepha! Have your cake and eat it all! (I think that is the quote anyways. ) :)
You are very wise beyond your years sir.
Whoa, we just took my profile to whole new level here. I am going to rewrite this. I see a lot of good points here. It's like "Don't be too specific, but don't be too general." "Don't lie but omit certain things." I have trouble showing my sense of humor in text. I am much more of a serious writer, not a humorous one. Most…