

  • Hi there, I'm really interested in understanding this 1300-calorie food regime a bit better - why so few calories? Our bodies require about 1200 just to be alive without doing anything, so I'm wondering how long you've been at 1300 cals and how long before you increase.
  • I would recommend looking at natural shampoos from health food stores as they don't have all the gross chemicals and artificial fragrances/suds that all the other ones do. Ideally you want to wash your hair two to three times a week, but that only works if you don't work out and/or use hair products, which all of us do! I…
  • Do not diet! the idea is to make gradual lifestyle changes so that they become part of who you are, not something that you are 'forcing' yourself to do for 17 days. PS. Lots of brands make yogurt dressings which are lower in fat than cream. With that said though, watch out for sugar and salt more than fat. You can try…
  • I also agree. Everything in moderation to an extent - we still deserve to eat the things we love - but a chicken nugget has nothing good about it, so even though you're still under your calorie goal for the day, it's wasted calories and I can only imagine how much sodium! I had a good sized piece of ice cream birthday cake…
  • Yeah, it totally does! I have the stretch marks all over my belly from two pregnancies as well as from being 'chubby' my whole life...and my arms are no better. Everytime I get caught up in the way the stretched skin looks, I flex my abs and press on them to remind myself of how far I've come and how great I am starting to…
  • I'm not sure what you are referring to as porridge or what you make it with, but I have steel cut oats every morning (thankfully I love the flavour and texture enough to eat it that often!). I do not put any dairy in it, which cuts out a lot of calories. I make 2.5 cups dry (10 servings) at a time and my recipe comes to…
  • I do hot yoga on Saturday morning with my sister in Brampton and it is AMAZING!!! If everyone could start every morning with a one-hour practice the world would be a better place, guaranteed. But seriously, one hour = 630 calories burned, not to mention the benefits for your mind (stress/tension release) and body (detoxify…