Is it okay to have 'bad food' everyday?



  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    You can still lose weight doing that, but, as you get closer to your goal, it will get tougher. That last ten pounds will take a little more discipline. Well, a lot more. But, you can get 90% of the way there eating that way and just restricting your cals.

    I'm one that enjoys certain foods, like Mexican food. It's really difficult for me to restrict that. So, I work out harder. But, I also know that I will probably never get to that ideal state, even though I keep pushing for it.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    I have my five wine gums everyday - as I'm not on a diet but making lifestyle changes I dont see the point in depriving myself.

    You're livin' on the edge. Rock and/or Roll!
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    I have some kind of dessert every day, even since day one of trying to lose weight. Right now I'm on a dark chocolate kick, before that it was a serving of ice cream. EVERY DAY. I still consume beer on a regular basis. It doesn't seem to have had any real negative effects on my weight loss, but that's my body and how my body responded to it. Yours may be different.

    Personal philosophy: Everything in moderation, just be sure you know how much you're eating and log it appropriately.

    And before anyone else says it: IIFYC and IIFYM.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I have something "bad" most days. Although I don't consider anything that fits into my calories as bad.

    ^^^ This!
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    I have my five wine gums everyday - as I'm not on a diet but making lifestyle changes I dont see the point in depriving myself.

    seriously.. Your dead right. A little bit of something you feel is a treat is a great way to stay on track and treat this as less of a chore and more of "just getting on with life".
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    I think this depends on your definition of bad foods.

    For example, IMO, unless you pick the apple from the tree and eat it as you are walking through the orchard, there is no such thing as food that isn't "processed". As long as it fits, include it - even daily....
  • kaydensmom12
    kaydensmom12 Posts: 338
    I eat bad food everyday. I don't see how it defeats the purpose as long as you are getting enough calories and enough nutrients. Personally a lifestyle change for me meant something that I could keep up with forever. I like to eat and do not enjoy fruits, veggies. I love processed food. I eat fruit and veggies, but mainly eat processed food. Does this mean that I am not healthy? No, it doesn't, it just means that I am not going to dread eating daily and I am going to enjoy food still while living a healthier lifestyle:)
  • riadastfu
    riadastfu Posts: 69
    See this article:

    the dude ate bad food and lost 27 pounds. BECAUSE HE STAYED WITHIN A CERTAIN CALORIE RANGE FOR WEIGHTLOSS.

    - his body fat dropped from 33.4 to 24.9 percent ON A TWINKIE DIET

    It's not healthy, but just goes to show that calorie deficits will STILL lead to weight loss.
  • tweetybaby69
    tweetybaby69 Posts: 258 Member
    I have something "bad" most days. Although I don't consider anything that fits into my calories as bad.

  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    See this article:

    the dude ate bad food and lost 27 pounds. BECAUSE HE STAYED WITHIN A CERTAIN CALORIE RANGE FOR WEIGHTLOSS.

    - his body fat dropped from 33.4 to 24.9 percent ON A TWINKIE DIET

    It's not healthy, but just goes to show that calorie deficits will STILL lead to weight loss.
    Actually he ate vegetables and consumed a protein supp everyday.
  • Dreamweaver_5107
    Dreamweaver_5107 Posts: 36 Member
    Yah there are a lot of factors ... a) someone said goals, that's a good one b) type of diet some diets allow for more of this than others. c) Current conditioning, can you afford the food you are taking in.

    There are other factors, the bottom line is the cleaner you eat the better you will do and the healthier you will be, that being said you have to give yourself some breaks or you won't be able to stick to your plan or it will be very difficult. Can you lose weight eating cheat meals on a regular basis, yah it's possible. Just remember they if you take up your calories uisng high caloric foods then that means you have to give up some healthy foods to attain your caloric target.

    I know I am a bit more extreme than mos when it comes to dieiing but moderation with cheat meals is a good idea for anybody..
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I eat pretty much what I want, in moderation, and within my calories for the most part and have consistently lost weight - albeit at a slower rate than when I've just cut out EVERYTHING I really enjoy in the past. Problem is, as soon as I got to my goal weight, I'd stuff my face with everything I'd missed so now I'm taking it nice and slow and learning not to still enjoy the things I love, without over-indulging.
  • mujerebelde
    I also agree. Everything in moderation to an extent - we still deserve to eat the things we love - but a chicken nugget has nothing good about it, so even though you're still under your calorie goal for the day, it's wasted calories and I can only imagine how much sodium! I had a good sized piece of ice cream birthday cake yesterday, but it was after a 60-minute bootcamp workout and a kale-chick pea salad for lunch with lots of fruit throughout the day... it has to balance out.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    No food is bad food as long as done in moderation... the goal however is that as you get further in to the process of attaining that healthy lifestyle you are seeking that you also transform your eating habits and believe me if you are 100% serious about what you are doing before you know it you will start gravitating towards the healthier, more nutritious foods...
  • Kaylyn221
    Kaylyn221 Posts: 123
    I used to eat ‘bad’ foods on the weekends and eat great throughout the week. I didn’t lose anything doing that, I just maintained so this time around I just eat lots of veggies, fruits, lean meats/proteins, nuts… etc. It’s actually not as bad as I thought it would be and ive been losing weight doing this and restricting myself from ‘bad’ food. If I do have a sweet tooth for something I will make something using different ingredients, like this weekend I had a chocolate craving and a sweet craving so I made flourless chocolate muffins and they turned out fantastic so not only did I satisfy my craving, I also took in much needed nutrients.

    In the end everyone is different. Some people can eat something ‘bad’ everyday and still lose weight as long as they are within their calories where as others can’t.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    If youre gonna do this, better to do it now before you get to the point when you have to start lowering your body fat% instead of the number on the scale!!
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    If I want something "BAD" I have it.. I don't have as much as I would have eaten in the past, but I still have what I want.. Yesterday I had a craving for some chips while at work and My office building has a Jimmy Johns down stairs so I stopped and grabbed a bag of their skinny chips for an afternoon snack.. It fulfilled my craving and I didn't go over my intake so YES I believe that it is a good idea for you to have a little something bad whenever you want because if you deprive yourself of it all together, then you will just binge eat when you give into your cravings!
  • riadastfu
    riadastfu Posts: 69
    See this article:

    the dude ate bad food and lost 27 pounds. BECAUSE HE STAYED WITHIN A CERTAIN CALORIE RANGE FOR WEIGHTLOSS.

    - his body fat dropped from 33.4 to 24.9 percent ON A TWINKIE DIET

    It's not healthy, but just goes to show that calorie deficits will STILL lead to weight loss.
    Actually he ate vegetables and consumed a protein supp everyday.

    So? Accdg to the article 2/3 of his diet was junk. Which is the point of the discussion. Bad foods CAN still allow you to lose weight.
  • whit1108
    whit1108 Posts: 94
    I still eat the same things that i have always ate. I just make sure that i keep it within my calorie goal and exercise. I dont think i could do any other way. I think if i didnt have those "bad foods" i would fall right back to old habits of way over eating and stuff right away.I have being losing weight and dropping inchies the entire time.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I try to eat as healthy and clean as possible Monday through Saturday and then Sunday is my 'fun food' day