There are two ways to go about this. Either break up your calories into more meals/snacks OR you can eat fewer meals that are bigger. If you don't feel hungry but you know you SHOULD eat, then try eating a little bit of something to get your appetite going. I also find that when I simply go look at food or around the smell…
Real Talk: You know that you have lost this weight in an unhealthy sort of manner. Don't be surprised if the weight you see on the scale goes up after you go back to eating. This is due to your metabolism probably being lowered from not enough calories being consumed. Do not fret though. As someone said, you should stop…
I am a student majoring in Food Nutrition Health Science. We recently had a guest speaker come in who was a master's student basing her research on coffee. Coffee itself is actually very good for you. I was surprised to learn that coffee has something around 6 times more anti-oxidants than green tea! The only downside to…
I'm cutting until I finish Final Exams and then after that I'm gonna try a 4-6 week bulk cycle which I think is pretty key timing around christmas time :)
Everybody needs a cheat day. Also, it is important to actually have that cheat day as it creates an insulin spike in your system. This insulin spike is important to help you maintain the metabolism you have. Too much dieting/Incorrect dieting can lead to your metabolism dropping despite you losing weight, and will result…