Question about Coffee



  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Coffee is a wonderful, magical drink!
  • MgmXT
    MgmXT Posts: 7 Member
    I am a student majoring in Food Nutrition Health Science. We recently had a guest speaker come in who was a master's student basing her research on coffee. Coffee itself is actually very good for you. I was surprised to learn that coffee has something around 6 times more anti-oxidants than green tea! The only downside to coffee is the amount of caffeine that it offers as well. However, if you just drink decaf then it should be ok. The study was based on coffee drinkers who drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day, there were no health differences between blond/dark roast coffee. Hope this helps :)

    I just wanted to add that yes it also depends on what you put in your coffee lol. The study above was based on drinking the coffee with nothing added to it.
  • Justifier
    Justifier Posts: 336 Member
    If the image below is what you call coffee, it may not be great for the diet.

    My morning coffee has just two tablespoons of a flavored creamer. 75 calories is worth it for me.
  • emc0n0
    emc0n0 Posts: 13 Member
    I love coffee..........I have learned today (today is my first day on myfitnesspal) that I am pretty much using all of my sugar 'allowance' on coffee.

    Oh if only I liked sugarless black coffee like all the people on tv.....sigh

    Oh and I take a stand agains all artificial sweeteners....dilemma
  • jerryvo
    jerryvo Posts: 66 Member
    Coffee is great, it is all the crap you put into it that kills you. I now use 1 splenda and a splash of 1% and it gets me through the morning.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    My coffee consumption saves lives.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Coffee is the nectar of the gods and should be treated as such. It also allows me to qualify as human.
  • Daerina8
    Daerina8 Posts: 35 Member
    Coffee in itself is not bad for your diet exactly, adding cream or sugar can negatively impact your diet though (of course).
    But keep in mind that staying hydrated will help you lose weight and coffee (or more specifically, caffeine) is a diuretic (i.e. dehydrates you), so if you drink coffee, be sure to drink extra water! :)
  • pauljsaunders
    Hi I work in the health care field in the UK, Mental Health, the details below are part of my training as it affects patients on mental health medication.. I hope it helps... I', always looking to add new friends so feel free to add me in... Paul:smile:

    coffee doesn't tend to be a problem while dieting but you need to take into consideration: It is a central nervous system stimulant and a diuretic (substance that helps rid your body of fluids). Caffeine is absorbed and passes quickly into the brain. It does not collect in the bloodstream or get stored in the body. It leaves the body in the urine many hours after it has been consumed.

    There is no nutritional need for caffeine. It can be avoided in the diet.

    Caffeine stimulates, or excites, the brain and nervous system. It will not reduce the effects of alcohol, although many people still believe a cup of coffee will help a person "sober-up."

    Caffeine may be used for the short-term relief of fatigue or drowsiness.
    Caffeine can lead to:
    •A fast heart rate
    •Difficulty sleeping
    •Urinating more often

    Stopping caffeine abruptly may cause withdrawal symptoms, such as:

    Reduce caffeine gradually to prevent any symptoms of withdrawal.

    The effect of caffeine on health has been widely studied.
    •Large amounts of caffeine may decrease bone mass density, most likely by interfering with the body's ability to absorb calcium. This may lead to osteoporosis.
    •Caffeine may cause or worsen painful, lumpy breasts (fibrocystic disease).
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