

  • Hey :) I did Slimming World once and put it back on once I ate lots of bread again after. These days I prefer MFP as you get an honest idea of your habits. The other week I stalled but carried on and started losing again. I'm honest with myself and if I have a large chocolate bar I put it on, I try not to be too hard on…
  • I avoid them as much as I can due to the aspartame and it's risks. When I do have a coke or ginger beer it's not the diet one and I'll stick to one at a time. Normally only once or twice a week. I'm a water girl most of the day with a sugar squash now and then(don't do sugar free due to the aspartame again)
  • Hey there :) I'll pop you a friend request :) I've recently started back properly, lost 2 stone last year but sadly due to some stressful life events and a long winter put it back on. Now i'm trying hard to stick to it for my health and wanting to look better :)