In need of some serious motivation!

Hi all. I am in need of some serious motivation. I used to follow slimming world diet club from feb 2012 until feb 2013. I lost 3.5 st in that time. I got fed up of the plan and only being able to eat certain things that I just stopped going. I am now a stone heavier than my lowest weight and need to get it back off.

No matter what I do I always say I will eat well tomorrow and it never works. I don't know what is wrong with me I be never used to be like this. I don't know whether to calorie count on here as portions are certainly not controlled on Sliimming world, or whether I should just follow slimming world again. What ever I do I need to get my act together

Any help or ideas to get me back on the zone!?


  • howthelightgetsin
    Hey :)

    I did Slimming World once and put it back on once I ate lots of bread again after. These days I prefer MFP as you get an honest idea of your habits. The other week I stalled but carried on and started losing again. I'm honest with myself and if I have a large chocolate bar I put it on, I try not to be too hard on myself these days as doesn't help my mood. For example on a day recently I had a large chocolate bar the rest of the day I'd eaten healthy. I just told myself half next time or a third. I also find as you want to use your calories well your habits change by using the app as you realise veg and fruit are so much lower compared to bad stuff. Good luck :)