New and Looking For Friends

Hi, Everyone!

I recently got extremely motivated to lose weight and start working out. I'm not just looking to lose weight and look great naked (although, that will be a huge bonus), but i'm also just looking for an all around lifestyle change. A lot of my friends are naturally thin which is wonderful for them, but they don't really know much about weight loss and working out or even eating right simply because they have never had a concern regarding the issue. I know that with this lifestyle change, my mentality regarding what to eat and when will change as well and even though they are still really close to me, I just think that this lifestyle change will be a completely different world to them and one that I will have much difficulty sharing with them.

That being said, I would love to make friends who share the same goals, mentality and knowledge that I will eventually develop with this new change. I would love to speak to and communicate with anyone who is willing! Thanks!:)


  • howthelightgetsin
    Hey there :) I'll pop you a friend request :)

    I've recently started back properly, lost 2 stone last year but sadly due to some stressful life events and a long winter put it back on. Now i'm trying hard to stick to it for my health and wanting to look better :)