Pmckinzie Member


  • 51 year old female SW: 225 CW: 193.8 GW: 150 Total loss: 31.2 SW: 225 (June 2018) CW: 193.8 (1/21/19) GW: 150 Total loss: 31.2 ‪01/23 193.8‬ 01/24 194.4 (+0.6) Darn, oh well, I know I’m logging my food, and exercising everyday. A little fluctuation does help me reevaluate my day. I am not getting enough water . Making that…
  • 51 year old female SW: 225 CW: 193.8 GW: 150 Total loss: 31.2 SW: 225 (June 2018) CW: 193.8 (1/21/19) GW: 150 Total loss: 31.2 ‪01/23 193.8‬ 01/24 194.4 (+0.6) Darn, oh well, I know I’m logging my food, and exercising everyday. A little fluctuation does help me reevaluate my day. I am not getting enough water . Making that…
  • 51 year old female SW: 225 CW: 193.8 GW: 150 Total loss: 31.2 SW: 225 (June 2018) CW: 193.8 (1/21/19) GW: 150 Total loss: 31.2 ‪01/23 193.8‬ 01/24 194.4 (+0.6) Darn, oh well, I know I’m logging my food, and exercising everyday. A little fluctuation does help me reevaluate my day. I am not getting enough water . Making that…
  • 51 year old female SW: 225 CW: 193.8 GW: 150 Total loss: 31.2 SW: 225 (June 2018) CW: 193.8 (1/21/19) GW: 150 Total loss: 31.2 ‪01/23 193.8‬ 01/24 194.4 (+0.6) Darn, oh well, I know I’m logging my food, and exercising everyday. A little fluctuation does help me reevaluate my day. I am not getting enough water . Making that…
  • 51 year old female SW: 225 CW: 193.8 GW: 150 Total loss: 31.2 ‪01/23 193.8‬ 01/24 194.4 (+0.6) Darn, oh well, I know I’m logging my food, and exercising everyday. A little e51 year old female SW: 225 CW: 193.8 GW: 150 Total loss: 31.2 ‪01/23 193.8‬ 01/24 194.4 (+0.6) Darn, oh well, I know I’m logging my food, and…
  • 51 year old female SW: 225 CW: 193.8 GW: 150 Total loss: 31.2 ‪01/23 193.8‬ 01/24 194.4 (+0.6) Darn, oh well, I know I’m logging my food, and exercising everyday. A little fluctuation does help me reevaluate my day. I am not getting enough water 💦. Making that a focus today. 01/25 01/26 01/27 01/28 01/29 01/30 01/31 02/01
  • Love to join 51 year old female SW: 225 CW: 193.8 GW: 150 Total loss: 31.2 01/23 193.8 01/24 01/25 01/26 01/27 01/28 01/29 01/30 01/31 02/01
  • Work to 4:30 then to one daughters drama practice drop off, then other daughter to softball, home by 9pm. No workout tonight, but did log, get my water, and had a nice conversation with oldest daughter. I love it when they are stuck in a car with me, they actually talk. Quote. Do or do not do, there is no try.....Yoda
  • Sorry I didn't post the past few days. But my girls were in a soccer tournament and I was out of town. After eating out all weekend but recording all of my food I am glad to say I am down 1 pound. Yay! Goal for this week to get my water in, at least 64 oz and watch my thoughts. Need to be my own best friend. I hope you all…
  • Made it through the week with ups and downs but no matter what I logged everything and stayed close to or under my calorie goal. Am feeling very motivated by this group. No matter how slow you go, you are lapping everybody sitting on the couch. o:)
  • CW: 205.2 GW: 199 or less Hi, I'm Trish 48 , a wife, mother of 2 two girls 12 and 13, and a teacher. Looking forward to working together to make our goals! Today the teachers lounge had frito boats for snack. Unfortunately, I partook a small portion that I logged, but still I brought all the food is needed it just looked…
  • Hi, I'm Trish from California. I am 48 and weigh 205lb, I would like to be in onederland by Valentine's day. So 6-10 lb loss. I have been logging MFP since August but lost my my way at Christmas and paid the price with a 7lb gain. Am refocused because I know it works when you are accountable. For exercise I walk and do…
  • I'm interested. I am 48 and my weight is 203.6. Bennett doing my fitness pal since July. I've had my ups and downs, have lost 20 lbs but would like to lose 40 more. It would be a comfort to talk to others in my situation. I would love to join and support each other.
  • Down 2 lbs. For the week. I am proud of myself. Struggled getting my workouts in this week. Need to put my health 1st. So goal for next week get my workouts in, water and tracking.
  • I would love to join. Thanks ! :D
  • Down 2lbs for the month of September. Not sure why so little. But I have lost 13 inches doing Jillian Michael's revolution videos, so I think I am turning my fat into muscle. I'll take it! :wink: My goal for October is the same as September 199lb. I would love to see the 100's again. Blessings to all, we can do this!!
  • Down 1.2 yeah! Been losing about 1 pound a week. Which is my goal. This week I would like to focus on hydrating during my work day. I get so busy I forget. Hope everyone has a successful week.
  • CW 208 Sept GW 199 Was happy with 8 lb loss in August. Would love to be in one-der-land by september 30th.
  • Down 8lbs. Yeah! Really enjoyed all the posts. You all keep me motivated! SW 216 CW 208 Let's make goals for next month!!!!
  • SW: 216 lbs Week 1: 214 lbs Week 2: 211 lbs Week 3: 210 lbs August goal: 205 lbs Overall goal: 160 lbs Proud of my loss so far. Not sure I'll make my august goal by next week, but I will make it soon. Slow and steady wins the race. I hear Dori from Nemo saying, "just keep swimming!" :)
  • SW: 216 CW: 211 Month Goal: 205 Overall Goal: 160 Down 3lb :smiley: Very proud of myself!!! Started back to work and kept up with my workouts even when I was tired. Everyday this week there were treats in the lounge. Homemade cookie, donuts and then yesterday there were 10 different kinds of pies. I looked, and smelled…
  • Start 216lb down to 214lb. Yeah!
  • Hi! I'm Trish from CA. I am 47 and a mother of 2 daughters in there early teens. :* my husband and I are consistantly busy being softball, soccer, drama, etc. Parents. It is time to find balance and take care of myself. Right now I weight 216lb and I would like to be 160lb. I am hopeful that logging, exercise, and this…
  • Current weight: 216 Goal weight: 160 August goal: 205 Must log into MFP and track everday. Get in 70,000 steps a week.
  • I'm in! Looking forward to the motivation and support!
  • I'm in and am totally new to MFP. Would love to friend people with similar goals and lifstyle. Busy Mom (8 and 10 girls)who are very active in sports, full time teacher, married. :) CW: 219.2 GW: 195 by the end of August