

  • I'm back! Have had the last couple of weeks from you-know-where. Husband continues with health issues, with lots of MDs, diagnostics, and treatments; and I've been orienting for my 2nd part time job - in addition to my full-time job! (I think that may make 3, but I don't have time to count!). Hope all had a good Mother's…
  • Back to life after a very, very hard day. Our Julie did not suffer and I stayed with her during the euthanasia and for some time after. My poor husband had to leave when we put her on the table. The vet was wonderful. We spent the evening talking about the good stuff (and any cat lover knows we talked about the funny…
  • Took the time to log on this morning, since today is going to be one of the hardest ever. All of you wishing the best for us today feels wonderful. Losing our precious Julie (our appt with the vet is at 3:45 this afternoon - EST) is going to be hard, but she will no longer suffer. And yes, to all of you who spoke of this,…
  • Such a comfort to get in, log on, and find that everyone on the site has basically the same problems getting in the way of healthier lives. I'm finding that I can't wait to find a quiet minute and sit down to the computer and read how everyone else is doing. I've stayed on track all day and am even on track with the water!…
  • Hi ladies. Am just now getting home from a long, long day at work. I've tried to stay on track, just did my food diary and am in pretty good shape. I need to catch up on my water and do a little more on the treadmill, but am ok with my daily plan. So good to scan (have lots of paperwork to do tonight and couldn't spare too…
  • Have nearly made it through my first real day with MFP. Have done pretty well, considering. Thanks to all who replied to my newbie message. You've made me think through some rough spots at work today. So far so good and I'm going to dust off the treadmill after dinner tonight. Have Dr. Oz's walking CD and fresh batteries…
  • Am new to this site (joined Saturday) and am certainly new to message boards, posting, - and sharing! After trying every diet, diet program, and pill in the universe over the years, I'm committed to trying harder and maybe getting it right this time. Being on the 55+ side of the 50s surely qualifies me for the special…
  • Thanks to everyone who sent encouraging words to a newbie. I give you all credit for my taking the time to cook a nutritious dinner for my daughter and me-chicken in EVOO, boiled corn, tomatoes. I would have probably been headed to a bag of Orville R, but your words sent me to the cabinet to pull out the pots and pans.…
  • Have never successfully belonged to blogs, twitters, or member sites. Am a new grandmother with a new zest and reason for getting healthy-keeping up with a soon-to-be-adopted 2-year-old. Am fat, out of shape, and trying one. more. time. Don't know what to say on a message board or what goes here, but am willing to try.…