

  • Just keep what your are doing, do more ab workouts crunch, sit up, and leg lift are the best for ab. Plus swimming is good too. when swimming tighten your abs to gain balance in the water. It helps alot.
  • Also due consider that you might need to change your calorie in take. I had to change mind and I'm doing much better because of it. Also remember, you are trying to improve not just your weight but your life. It's okay to have that chocolate cake once in a great while. You dont have to tell yourself "no" to everything,…
  • I hear a silly joke.... How many Emo kids does it take to screw in a light bulb? ............ F them, just let them cry in the dark. As a former child of the dark clothing, I still found this to be funny.
  • I cannot go to the gym for this week but I still am going to try and eat healthy. And if you have another challenge next week I wish to join. Start weight for this challenge: 209.8lb.s Good Luck everyone
  • I didnt see anything stupid, but I did something. lol I was walking in high heel shoes (which I dont do often) and I wasn't paying attention, so part of the sidewalk became uneven and I stumbled and almost hit a pole. Well then I spent another two hours in those stupid shoe that were killing my feet. lol I felt that it was…
  • very inspiring post. Its very true, I know I would rather feel healthy then look skinny.
  • I love the challenge, I know i'm starting in the race late and I dont have a scale yet. But I'm in, I feel like I can do it. and I know how u feel about the bad week. I feel like ive gain 5 lbs. Wish me luck.
  • Have faith in yourself. You can do it. ^.^
  • As far as loseing body fat, weight training with some cardio is best. Muscles work off body fat the best. It wont show it as much on the scale, but in your clothes it will. Just dont push yourself too hard. Know your limit, and stretch before and after working out. And also drink lots of water, poweraid Zero is also really…