Another option to consider, would be to wear a heart rate monitor for the longer/more rigorous cleaning sessions you may consider logging. This helps prevent "overestimating" on calories burned, and might help you to make the ultimate decision about whether or not to log. Good luck!
Welcome! Feel free to friend me.
Feel free to friend me! I'm at 340 days logging. The more the merrier, and good luck with your journey!
I'd absolutely echo what others are saying. Enjoy, but work it in. Be sure to exercise, and consider choosing one thing to indulge in rather than having it all (alfredo/rolls/beer). Perhaps have a salad with your meal, and cut the alfredo in half. Drink plenty of water. Choose a light beer. There are all sorts of things…
Welcome! Feel free to send me a friend request!
Feel free to friend me! The more the merrier! :)
Just sent you a friend request! If any of you are also looking, please feel free to send me a request as well! The more the merrier, and welcome back, jrsey86!
Please feel free to friend me, welcome aboard!!
Please feel free to friend me! Welcome aboard!!
Feel free to friend me! Welcome aboard, Hector!
Thanks for posting this, I also have a vacation coming up in June and have the same fears. I appreciate the ideas this has surfaced, so thank you!!