Vacation = Fear of Impending Doom



  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Kudos to all those that eat very well and lose weight on vacation. That is really great. Unfortunately, I gain every time I go on vacation. I walk a lot and go to the gym but good food is still part of a good vacation for me. BUT I always get right back on track with eating healthy, exercise, and drinking lots and lots of water when I get home. I know this is not the way for everyone but it works for me. I still enjoy my vacation and keep moving forward on my journey. Whatever you do, don't let it take you completely off track if you gain weight on vacation or any other time for that matter. Enjoy you trip! Vacation is always wonderful and I think we all need it from time to time :)

    I eat good food on vacation too. It's called portion control.
  • joy31021
    joy31021 Posts: 216
    Vegas next week for me- just plan to enjoy myself! there will be lots of drinking and eating but lots of walking too
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    Kudos to all those that eat very well and lose weight on vacation. That is really great. Unfortunately, I gain every time I go on vacation. I walk a lot and go to the gym but good food is still part of a good vacation for me. BUT I always get right back on track with eating healthy, exercise, and drinking lots and lots of water when I get home. I know this is not the way for everyone but it works for me. I still enjoy my vacation and keep moving forward on my journey. Whatever you do, don't let it take you completely off track if you gain weight on vacation or any other time for that matter. Enjoy you trip! Vacation is always wonderful and I think we all need it from time to time :)

    I eat good food on vacation too. It's called portion control.

    There's always at least one that has to respond to someone's opinion just to be negative. My point was for him not to beat himself down if he gained on vacation. It happens just like we gain sometimes any way for various reasons. The important thing is to get right back on track and not let it totally deter you. The weight I gain on vacation is usually lost in a week or 2 so to me it's worth it. I put the extra effort in before and after so the gain is not out of control. As I said above, it's not the way for everyone but I think I've done very well overall and eating what I want on vacation does not mean I throw in the towel on my whole weight loss journey. That's why it's so important to look at this as an overall, long-term lifestyle change, not a temporary fix.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    I'm not help since I always say, "Aww heck, I'm on vacation!"

    Enjoy your vacation and don't stress it too much. If you're like me, I like being active on the beach, frisbee, vollyeball, football. You may be burning more calories than you think.
  • cshodges
    cshodges Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for posting this, I also have a vacation coming up in June and have the same fears. I appreciate the ideas this has surfaced, so thank you!!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Just returned form the OBX had a rental up the 4x4 beach for a week.... I came back a couple pounds heavier than I left but had told myself anything less than 5 lbs. was acceptable. (After losing 306 lbs. I wasn't fretting a few pounds). I got up every morning before the sunrise (which was breathtaking by the way) and hit the beach for a nice brisk morning walk... Being 8 miles up the 4x4 beach round trip into Corolla and Duck was a 90 minute excursion figuring in airing and deflating the tires for driving on the beach so I did not get in any weight training... So walks was all I did... I lax my eating and for the most part took the week off, I wasn't going to let the fear of food ruin our vacation so if I wanted chips I measured out a small bowl and if I wanted some salt water taffy or chocolate covered cashews I did the same... We ate out at a few places and enjoyed every minute of our trip and when we got back home I picked up right where I left off and within a week I was back to my weight I was when we left... Don't stress over it, enjoy your week off, get in some walks, and you'll be fine...... Enjoy yourself....
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Kudos to all those that eat very well and lose weight on vacation. That is really great. Unfortunately, I gain every time I go on vacation. I walk a lot and go to the gym but good food is still part of a good vacation for me. BUT I always get right back on track with eating healthy, exercise, and drinking lots and lots of water when I get home. I know this is not the way for everyone but it works for me. I still enjoy my vacation and keep moving forward on my journey. Whatever you do, don't let it take you completely off track if you gain weight on vacation or any other time for that matter. Enjoy you trip! Vacation is always wonderful and I think we all need it from time to time :)

    Couldn't agree more and that is why we Enjoyed our vacations!!! lol We had a blast!! and was so worth the couple pounds....
    I eat good food on vacation too. It's called portion control.

    There's always at least one that has to respond to someone's opinion just to be negative. My point was for him not to beat himself down if he gained on vacation. It happens just like we gain sometimes any way for various reasons. The important thing is to get right back on track and not let it totally deter you. The weight I gain on vacation is usually lost in a week or 2 so to me it's worth it. I put the extra effort in before and after so the gain is not out of control. As I said above, it's not the way for everyone but I think I've done very well overall and eating what I want on vacation does not mean I throw in the towel on my whole weight loss journey. That's why it's so important to look at this as an overall, long-term lifestyle change, not a temporary fix.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Just try to make the smartest food decisions you can at the restauratns. Try to share meals with others. I know it's probably not advised by most, but on my last vacation I was stuck on "family time" which meant no one was every ready to get moving until 11 am. So we pretty much only ate late breakfast and dinner each day which helped me not go over on calories. I kept little snacks in my bag and we were moving constantly. I didn't get to do any real exercise unless you count being at Disneyland from 9 am until 11 pm as exercise...haha.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I don't track when I'm on vacation - too much guesstimating and such. I eat 'pretty' well but I usually splurge as well. It's nice to go off the wagon every now and again.

    Also, when I'm on vacation, I'm out and about more than I would be sitting behind a desk for 8 hours a day so that's something that I take into consideration too.

    I "may" pick up an extra pound or two, but I just get back to the program and all is good with the world.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    You're setting up habits that will allow you to maintain your healthy weight for a lifetime. Consider this your first test.

    Focus on activities that keep you moving, enjoy all the foods you want in small portions. Eat what you are hungry for, don't chomp down on empty calories when you aren't hungry. Do your best and when you get back the scale will be your score.

    There is no "fail", there are only successes and minor setbacks. When you get back, you get to see how ready you are to maintain this on an ongoing basis.

    If you maintained the same weight, it's a WIN!
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    Thanks for all the ideas and support!! I am planning on getting up early and doing some fast walking on the beach. Since we are renting a house I am not sure there will be a gym nearby but I can still walk...before the kids are up, after they are asleep, during the day.
    Thanks too for the water idea. I'm not a drinker but I do love me some sweet tea. :-)

    Since you are renting a house, you will have access to a kitchen so maybe instead of going out for every meal, you can cook a few. At least you can get breakfast and maybe lunch at the house. It will also save $$$$.
  • Thomakk
    Thomakk Posts: 25 Member
    Headed to the beach myself in a couple of weeks. I plan on walking, swimming, and playing with the kids. We will be grilling at the house most of the week also. No worries. I'll continue to log calories when possible.