mrswoc Member


  • How high protein are you talking? I have to take in 95 grams of protein daily. Are you doing more than that?
  • That! And has so many carbohydrates!
  • We live on an Army post in Alaska and I usually work out at the PFC (Physical Fitness Center). And usually its at 5:30 AM when most of the Soldiers are getting their PT in. I have found that working out when its mostly soldiers is actually easier than when its mostly spouses, they seem less critical or don't notice at all,…
  • You guys rock! I went to Sam's and bought the big thing of chicken. I cut some of the breasts into one oz strips and then 3 and 4 oz pieces for my husband. I got a lot of chicken out of it and will try some baked chicken recipes. Also, I got the protein whey powder and will start adding it to my slim fast daily. AND for…
  • I understand what a 'princess' attitude is. Its the attitude that you are better than everybody else, everybody else should bow down to you and do everything you demand when you demand it. I have seen it in all walks of life, but it does seem we have a huge crop of 'princess' lately. Yes we should all be treated well, but…
  • I ask the same question too! That and who thought about putting together all the ingredients for meth and putting it inside their body? I mean come on, that stuff is caustic and bad for you, not even including the meth. Some people are a special kind of stupid!
    in WTF?!?! Comment by mrswoc April 2012
  • I am 42 and not ashamed of my age :) And I agree about the energy, because I have so little its not funny lol.
  • I am 10 years post bypass and lost 160lbs despite life threatening complications. Unfortunately, because I was never prepared for life after bypass, I regained 120 lbs over the past 7 years and I am on working on losing weight again. I know my bypass is still intact due to having an upper GI about 3 weeks ago. I have to…
  • Being a nurse I have seen more than a few patients who have used either prescription meds or over the counter pills/supplements to lose weight. Most are not really good for you in the long run. As well, you already know that really changing your 'diet' (dont like to use that word, but in this case I mean, the normal amount…
  • Im relatively new as well, and I agree we all need encouragement :) You will do great!