Now will I Lean out doing this without getting really defined. In the leg region that is what I am looking for. Since I am so lean up top I would like to be proportionate. I done mind the definition if my legs are a little smaller. Could it be my age? Maybe I am hoping for a tighter butt when genetics ate just not in my…
Thank you so much. Upping my water intake would probably be huge for me. Getting rid of the few dimples I have would make a very big difference.
Thank you!!
Ok. Very new to this is there a link to why strog lifts are and 5x5? Sorry to be a pain. Also, what weight should I start
Leg press and lifts?
Lol. That's usually the extent of my weight lifting.
Awesome. Thanks so much.
Thank you all for your help!! Would I have to lose more weight in order to lose more fat before I start lifting more ( lower body weights) so I don't build muscle around the fat. I know I don't won bulk up but will it look as if my legs are getting bigger? I feel like losing more weight would really make me look WAY too…
Out of all the ones you have done is there on that you liked the most?