Toning question for the experts. :)

I am almost 35, 5'6 and 120lbs. When I'm off the wagon not working out I can fluctuate 6-8 lbs (128lbs). I do a lot of cardio/ cycling. Intense cardio intervals. Similar to insanity. I also do class that include some weights. I LO e to run as well but don't get a chance to do a lot with having 3 kids. I play lacrosse 2 nights a week. I know you lose weight proportionally but I lose upper body and my legs won't lean out the way I would like. I have some small cellulite spots that I would love to try and reduce. I just get soooo lean up top. I would hate to lose more weight (hoping fat would come off the but and legs) but I would rather not. Any recommendations would be great. Even what things to eat more of. I have been trying to do more protein.

Thanks in advance


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    You'll get better results swapping out the "some weights" with a structured strength training program, using heavy weights. I'd go with Stronglifts, Starting Strength, or NROL. Or hire a good trainer.

    As for diet, just keep protein above 20% of calories, and eat the right # of calories. Everything else is secondary.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    Genetics dictates how fat comes off the body. Eventually, your legs WILL start to catch up with your upper body IF you continue to lower body fat.
    As for "toning" (not a real thing, but I understand what you mean), there isn't a way to spot reduce with exercise, however you can improve your overall composition by ensuring you hit the large muscle with enough resistance.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Experts don't use the word "tone", because it means exactly nothing. I think you mean to say "lean" or "defined". But semantics. You will lose fat and lean out form wherever you are genetically predisposed to lose fat first. For example, I am around 14% body fat, have a six-pack, vascularity starting to show in my lower abdomen, and I STILL have that gawd-awful inner thigh chub-rub and back of the thigh fat. It's just where my body wants to cling to fat the most.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Also, lift weights heavier and more frequently. That will play a big role in helping you lean out.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Unfortunately, we are predisposed to carry fat where genetics dictates. I have the same issue in that I can be very lean on my upper body and still have quite a bit of fat on my butt/thighs. The only thing you can really do (other than continuing to lose weight) is to try to affect your body composition so you balance out by gaining muscle on your upper half (which I realize is not always preferable to many women). For example, increasing the size of your lats will create more of a balance and give the appearance of a smaller waist. Other than that, it usually comes down to a compromise (and sometimes augmentation).
  • greatness
    greatness Posts: 18 Member
    The number and integrity of fat cells (adipose) that you have is predisposed from both. Unfortunately, most women tend to carry majority of their adipose tissue in the lower half of our body for child bearing efficiency. That weight situates its self their because the body is made to use abdominal/visceral fat as quick burning resource and lower body fat as a reservoir for child bearing or in the event of starving… think out in the wilderness. That being said, misery loves company and most women will be going through the same thing. I for one… my max squat is 265 and my legs look like a sausage lol. I run and bike several miles every day and nada. I feel as though I need to try and decrease cardio to about 30 min a day (cardio catabolizes muscle tissue because muscle requires the most energy to maintain so your body likes to eat it up for energy) and increase lifting time to 45 min to an hour. I bought a weight/kettle bell set to use at home to do in between work/school assignments just in case I can't go to cross fit or devote that time to a gym stay.
  • Laryn41
    Laryn41 Posts: 11
    Thank you all for your help!! Would I have to lose more weight in order to lose more fat before I start lifting more ( lower body weights) so I don't build muscle around the fat. I know I don't won bulk up but will it look as if my legs are getting bigger? I feel like losing more weight would really make me look WAY too thin up top. Or lose more then gain more muscle after? I for sure don't like lifting too much up top. I'm not fond of a defined look. Also, I am very flat chested so I don't think it would look proportioned.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Start lifting NOW

    you won't gain any muscle while on a deficit apart from maybe very minor newbie gains - we're talking 1 maybe 2lbs spread across your entire body - hardly noticeable.

    You're legs might get slightly bigger at first - but this is just due to more water repairing your muscles and is not permanent or even that much - you may also gain a few lbs at first - but again this is just water weight from your muscles repairing themselves. DON'T PANIC at this stage.

    Lifting now will help you keep as much muscle as possible - you want to avoid losing any as it is very very hard for a woman to build muscle.

    Seriously - don't wait.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I for sure don't like lifting too much up top. I'm not fond of a defined look. Also, I am very flat chested so I don't think it would look proportioned.

    The defined look only comes from a low body fat - you should lift with your upper body as it will help balance out your lower half and you shouldn't neglect the strength in your arms.

    Not to mention as I said - you won't gain muscle in a deficit (bar newbie gains) and if you get to a stage where you don't like the definition in your upper body it is very very easy to fix - you just stop lifting, it will go away very quickly :grumble:
  • Laryn41
    Laryn41 Posts: 11
    Awesome. Thanks so much.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I am almost 35, 5'6 and 120lbs. When I'm off the wagon not working out I can fluctuate 6-8 lbs (128lbs). I do a lot of cardio/ cycling. Intense cardio intervals. Similar to insanity. I also do class that include some weights. I LO e to run as well but don't get a chance to do a lot with having 3 kids. I play lacrosse 2 nights a week. I know you lose weight proportionally but I lose upper body and my legs won't lean out the way I would like. I have some small cellulite spots that I would love to try and reduce. I just get soooo lean up top. I would hate to lose more weight (hoping fat would come off the but and legs) but I would rather not. Any recommendations would be great. Even what things to eat more of. I have been trying to do more protein.

    Thanks in advance

    Cut back on the cardio, and start lifting weights more.

    I mean actually lift weights....not do a class that includes some weights. :wink:
  • Laryn41
    Laryn41 Posts: 11
    Lol. That's usually the extent of my weight lifting.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Lol. That's usually the extent of my weight lifting.

    Ha yes.

    Look up new rules of lifting for women and stronglifts 5x5.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Lol. That's usually the extent of my weight lifting.

    well you need to get on a weight lifting program if you want the results you are looking for.
    Cardio will not do it for you.
  • Laryn41
    Laryn41 Posts: 11
    Leg press and lifts?
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Leg press and lifts?

    Full body routines would be my first choice.

    Something like StrongLifts 5x5 as mentioned above.
    Progressive Overload
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    and reason being....

    Full body routines have been shown to help more with getting rid of BF
    And also you develop your muscles in the process....

    So win-win
  • Laryn41
    Laryn41 Posts: 11
    Leg press and lifts?

    Full body routines would be my first choice.

    Something like StrongLifts 5x5 as mentioned above.
    Progressive Overload

    Ok. Very new to this is there a link to why strog lifts are and 5x5? Sorry to be a pain. Also, what weight should I start
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    There is also a group for stronglifts for women here.

    Stronglifts 5x5 is just one programme. I would also recommend reading 'new rules if lifting for women' even if you just get it out if the library, as it is full of excellent information.