

  • 29- 17 ..... ummm that's a bit much, I mean seriously other than the gym what can you possibly have in common. She's probably still in HS, and like the other person said would you be ok with your daughter dating a 29 year old at 17? I'm pretty sure the answer may be no. The way I see it is, if they still live at home, have…
  • I am way out of shape considering where I used to be, and am on week 3 of P90X its awesome! Take it from me I work 10 hour days and still try to get in my workout before I start my day at 5am, some days I can't so I have to go home and do it after. It's really worth it, I've noticed a considerable difference already in…
    in p90x Comment by noscrubbs78 March 2013
  • Also if you are going to estimate at all... I always OVER estimate, eating out is really hard to avoid, but you'd be surprised how many hidden calories are in those foods. You can make the samething at home for half the calories if not less.
  • I used to think ballparking it would be ok, until I realized how much sugar and carbs are in even healthy fruit. I agree with all whoposted measure everything and count ALL calories, even the cheating ones. :) good luck on your venture.
  • that's awesome!! I was able to pull off my "fat girl jeans" without unbottoning them it was like winning the lotto for me :) !! Keep up the good work.
  • good job on stopping at half.... I would have had a hard time. :) I still get my coffee in the morning and I refuse to look at the menu.
  • I don't log it either, I already know it will be gone as soon as the PMS is lol. No worries, do what is best or works best for you.
  • I'm 34, but young at heart, lol. Feel free to add me I have another 55lbs to lose!! You can do it. :)