Brownie Batter Donut from Dunkin!

Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
We had a large storm last night/this morning and my power went off!! That meant, no breakfast for me :(

SO- I go to Dunkin, get a medium iced coffee with skim, an oatmeal... and then it happens...

" Brownie Batter Donut!"

I see that and, all else no longer matters.. I ordered that *kitten*. AND I managed to only eat half of that unrealistically delicious deliciousness. Only 180 calories of my day are taken up, and I got rid of the craving. But boy, did I want the whole thing!
However, how on EARTH does my damn oatmeal manage to eat up 300 calories of my day??! 300!! Smh..

SO basically, I was that person who goes and buys a cheeseburger with a diet coke. I feel silly, but it could have ended a lot worse.

Happy day all. :flowerforyou:


  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    Donuts are my kryptonite! The commercial for them has been killing me! I'm already planning on going out on my cheat day and getting two.

    Major props for eating just half.
  • LindseyLinea
    LindseyLinea Posts: 52 Member
    OMG that sounds beyond delicious! Very good cheat meal!
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    We had a large storm last night/this morning and my power went off!! That meant, no breakfast for me :(

    SO- I go to Dunkin, get a medium iced coffee with skim, an oatmeal... and then it happens...

    " Brownie Batter Donut!"

    I see that and, all else no longer matters.. I ordered that *kitten*. AND I managed to only eat half of that unrealistically delicious deliciousness. Only 180 calories of my day are taken up, and I got rid of the craving. But boy, did I want the whole thing!
    However, how on EARTH does my damn oatmeal manage to eat up 300 calories of my day??! 300!! Smh..

    SO basically, I was that person who goes and buys a cheeseburger with a diet coke. I feel silly, but it could have ended a lot worse.

    Happy day all. :flowerforyou:

    Hey now, don't knock the cheeseburger with the diet coke, that is totally me!

    Never been a big donut fan, with one exception: BOSTON CREAM DONUT. I would kill for one of those.
    Cheat meal ... planned :happy:
  • good job on stopping at half.... I would have had a hard time. :) I still get my coffee in the morning and I refuse to look at the menu.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Just remember!!! ONE Brownie Batter donut is 360 calories!!!!

    It's hard to put down.. I did it with great difficulty!!! it tastes exactly like brownie batter... big girl nightmare right there!!!!
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    We had a large storm last night/this morning and my power went off!! That meant, no breakfast for me :(

    SO- I go to Dunkin, get a medium iced coffee with skim, an oatmeal... and then it happens...

    " Brownie Batter Donut!"

    I see that and, all else no longer matters.. I ordered that *kitten*. AND I managed to only eat half of that unrealistically delicious deliciousness. Only 180 calories of my day are taken up, and I got rid of the craving. But boy, did I want the whole thing!
    However, how on EARTH does my damn oatmeal manage to eat up 300 calories of my day??! 300!! Smh..

    SO basically, I was that person who goes and buys a cheeseburger with a diet coke. I feel silly, but it could have ended a lot worse.

    Happy day all. :flowerforyou:

    Hey now, don't knock the cheeseburger with the diet coke, that is totally me!

    Never been a big donut fan, with one exception: BOSTON CREAM DONUT. I would kill for one of those.
    Cheat meal ... planned :happy:

    hahah you know whats funny?! Since I started calorie counting las April I TOTALLY understand why people do the " diet coke" thing.. I don't drink soda, at all... but the calories you cut just by doing diet instead, makes a difference...however.. IMO no soda is good soda.
  • lillenisse
    lillenisse Posts: 22 Member
    I’m not taking a dig here because I am definitely guilty of this myself but...
    The commercial for them has been killing me! I'm already planning on going out on my cheat day and getting two.

    Consumerism at its worst. If ever there was a reason to limit food advertising based on nutritional value, this is it. Just wondering if you’d be craving those donuts as much if they hadn’t been shoved in your face by those all too tempting adverts?

    Oh, and super well done OP on only eating half – I don’t think I would have had that much self control!
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    1) I LOVE donuts, I pass a bakery on my way to and from work and it's a true test of my will power

    2) The oatmeal you get at a fast food joint is going to measure way differently than the stuff at home. I am sure that there is added brown sugar, and if there are dried fruit and/ or nuts on top that'll make the calorie count go up, and I'm sure the serving size is also larger, but 300 cals in a breakfast isn't bad! Especially since that oatmeal will keep you full for a while.

    3) Hit the gym to burn off those extra calories, have a healthy lunch and dinner, just because you have a splurge does not mean your day is ruined. I gave in to the free pizza at work yesterday but still managed to control the rest of my day.

    Being healthy is one decision at a time, don't fret over a misstep....accept that you made a "bad" decision and don't let it ruin your day or attitude!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    1) I LOVE donuts, I pass a bakery on my way to and from work and it's a true test of my will power

    2) The oatmeal you get at a fast food joint is going to measure way differently than the stuff at home. I am sure that there is added brown sugar, and if there are dried fruit and/ or nuts on top that'll make the calorie count go up, and I'm sure the serving size is also larger, but 300 cals in a breakfast isn't bad! Especially since that oatmeal will keep you full for a while.

    3) Hit the gym to burn off those extra calories, have a healthy lunch and dinner, just because you have a splurge does not mean your day is ruined. I gave in to the free pizza at work yesterday but still managed to control the rest of my day.

    Being healthy is one decision at a time, don't fret over a misstep....accept that you made a "bad" decision and don't let it ruin your day or attitude!

    Eating a donut is never ever a bad decision
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    I managed to only eat half of that unrealistically delicious deliciousness.
    Happy day all. :flowerforyou:

    So yeah..... does this mean you have the other half still available? I'd love a bite or 4
  • Denise1224
    Denise1224 Posts: 150 Member
    WOW amazing willpower right there!!! I would not have been able to stop at half ... especially if I was by myself!!! If my husband or one of my sons was with me I MIGHT have been able to split it with them .. but not alone no way!!! I would have eaten it all LOL Good job!!!
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I’m not taking a dig here because I am definitely guilty of this myself but...
    The commercial for them has been killing me! I'm already planning on going out on my cheat day and getting two.

    Consumerism at its worst. If ever there was a reason to limit food advertising based on nutritional value, this is it. Just wondering if you’d be craving those donuts as much if they hadn’t been shoved in your face by those all too tempting adverts?

    Oh, and super well done OP on only eating half – I don’t think I would have had that much self control!

    I wouldn't have even heard about them before this post if it weren't for the commercials. Thankfully, there isn't a Dunkin close enough to me to be really tempting. I have to drive to a part of town that I don''t usually go to.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member

    Eating a donut is never ever a bad decision

    It is when you can't stop yourself at one donut......I am all for the occaional splurge though, in fact I am planning a Sat morning trip to DD
  • JulieBGoood
    JulieBGoood Posts: 120 Member
    I keep seeing Pączki at the store, can't wait until Fat Tuesday.... It will take up alot of my calories but be worth it!
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I managed to only eat half of that unrealistically delicious deliciousness.
    Happy day all. :flowerforyou:

    So yeah..... does this mean you have the other half still available? I'd love a bite or 4

    Do you want to know in detail how this happened?

    I went into work, and immediately..went into the ladies room. ( Mainly, because I had to put some make up on, I have no electricity at home right now due to the storm, therefore I couldn't see myself)

    I also, decided it was a good time to pull out that donut.. why in the ladies room? One may never know.. it's kind of weird.

    I looked at it..thought of throwing it out all together.. but I mashed it into my mouth. I was going to stop there, but then I really tasted that brownie batter.. and had to have another bite..

    I then threw it in the toilet...there was no going back.

    SO long story short, if you want it.. it may still be in there camoufloging itself as a floater... I left it there because It was funny.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Oh, and for the record.. I'm not really beating myself up for it.. I had a wonderful few weeks and I have barely cheated. I had the try the donut. It was well worth the 180 calories. I think I saw a unicorn when I ate it.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    America runs on Dunkin!


    (Note: I'd already lost 23 pounds by the time of that pic, and am 10 pounds lighter now. 12-15 to go!)
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss!!!
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    Floater huh? On second thought, I'm really not that hungry
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Floater huh? On second thought, I'm really not that hungry

    hahaha ;) it made me laugh.