How young is too young?



  • rabies
    rabies Posts: 62
    Seventeen is a very mature age. Most girls know what they're doing by that age. Sounds like she clearly has you wrapped around her finger, but be warned: the young ones can be manipulative.

    Please be careful with your heart and tread lightly. When the lacrosse captain at her high school decides he likes her again, she's going to dump you. I care about your feelings. I really do. If you think you can handle the inevitable rejection that is likely to follow, then I say go for it. If you think it's going to leave you crying in your ale, then maybe let this one go.
    What in the 1940's bull**** hell?

    Well, it just doesn't seem many are thinking of the OP's emotions in all this. He seems like a sensitive type soul who might be better suited for someone much younger and more mature than he is.

    Haha! :D
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    10-12 years age difference isn't huge in the scheme of things, BUT the decade you have separating you two is one where A LOT of emotional, sexual, mental maturity develops. You guys are not going to be on the same plane, at all. She's too young.

    Of course, if you're just looking for some fun---go for it, I guess? Realize that a 17-year-old girl is going to catch feelings real fast, though. You might end up in a terrible advice is to just go for someone closer to your age.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    I'm from Asia.

    Just casually perusing through your posts on this thread. Where exactly in Asia do you live? Or maybe you already said it and I just missed it.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    My mother was 18 when she met my father, 19 when she married him. He was 40. BUT, my mother graduated from highschool at 16 years old (she's one of those smart types), graduated from college, and had already been married and divorced with a child (book smart, not people smart- her first husband was an abusive alcoholic) when she met my father. So she wasn't quite like today's 18 year old maturity wise. My dad passed away two weeks after their 33rd anniversary.

    Your mom didn't suddenly become "people-smart" when she met your dad, she was simply lucky he wasn't another *kitten*. And here's the thing: teenagers usually can't tell if someone's being abusive, and if they do, they don't know how to deal with it. Even less that grownups. Yet another reason for adults not to date kids.

    Thanks again for proving my point. I'm genuinely just a nice guy.

    I'm not a jerk. I simply plan on taking her out and seeing if there's the same chemistry I felt for her at the gym.


  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I'm from Asia. We have a strict policy of old enough to bleed, old enough to breed

    You realize that here in North America in some cases that means 8 years old?

    That's like promoting pedophielia.

    Well, we don't drink and eat food filled with artificial hormones. Girls here typically have their periods around 13+ years.

    ^ Says that like 13 years old is ok...


    I thought you knew about my culture *cough* BS *cough*

    13 is NOT ok in the UK, the US, or 95% of all other countries. You need to take your own advice and learn about cultures other than your own.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    going by your pics you're from india? i think given the current movement for fairer treatment of women in your country after a woman had her insides removed with a scaffold pole after being raped by 6 men, you might want to have a look at what values you're holding to lol...
    sometimes cultures need to change.

    including our own.

    the recent news in america, with more sympathy for rapist jocks than for their victim, would illustrate the point. marital rape was legal in the uk right up until 1991. i don't think there's a culture on the planet that shouldn't be striving to improve.

    I very much agree with this. A friend of mine showed me all these Twitter posts and FB posts by people, actually blaming the girl for the rape, that she was a "slut" and "why was she drinking in the first place." Yeah, because you should be punished for making a stupid choice by way of rape. Even worse was those females who got arrested for harassing and threatening her. Disgusting.
    and how impressive it is that we can post our disgust without being accused of being anti american.

    if you love your country and your culture then you want it to be the best it can be, and admitting it's flaws is part of that.

    1991 would be 22 years ago... alot changes in nearly a quarter of a century lol

    while again in india where forced marriages and rape is completely legal i fail to see where the counter arguement is, i don't know what idiots on facebook holds as a countries values but where i'm from in the UK off of the internet a rapist is not defended unless in a court of law because he has to be and victims are most definately not vilified in any way shape or form
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    no. that is creepy and inappropriate.
  • vikkistarr89
    vikkistarr89 Posts: 122 Member
    hmm. Here in the uk most people i know do the 5 year rule. So, 5 years either side. But at the end of it, it doesnt really matter. So why not
  • actually the more i think of this the more creepy it sounds

    i just think no one between the age of 16-20 should be dating any one over the age of about 22/23

    very specific ages but i odn't care.
  • 29- 17 ..... ummm that's a bit much, I mean seriously other than the gym what can you possibly have in common. She's probably still in HS, and like the other person said would you be ok with your daughter dating a 29 year old at 17? I'm pretty sure the answer may be no.

    The way I see it is, if they still live at home, have no clue what it's like to pay rent, they may be too young, but then again this may be my "mom" hat talking.

    Not sure why the heck people are even dicussing LOVE yet, you just MET!! hello. Any who.... It may get old by next week for her. Are you ready to show up to prom? no, I mean really.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I'm from Asia. We have a strict policy of old enough to bleed, old enough to breed

    You realize that here in North America in some cases that means 8 years old?

    That's like promoting pedophielia.

    Well, we don't drink and eat food filled with artificial hormones. Girls here typically have their periods around 13+ years.

    ^ Says that like 13 years old is ok...


    I thought you knew about my culture *cough* BS *cough*

    13 is NOT ok in the UK, the US, or 95% of all other countries. You need to take your own advice and learn about cultures other than your own.

    Good thing I am not talking about the other countries, am I? And I thought you knew what my culture is?
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    no. that is creepy and inappropriate.

    Agreed. Your pic IS creepy
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I'm from Asia. We have a strict policy of old enough to bleed, old enough to breed

    You realize that here in North America in some cases that means 8 years old?

    That's like promoting pedophielia.

    Well, we don't drink and eat food filled with artificial hormones. Girls here typically have their periods around 13+ years.

    ^ Says that like 13 years old is ok...


    I thought you knew about my culture *cough* BS *cough*

    13 is NOT ok in the UK, the US, or 95% of all other countries. You need to take your own advice and learn about cultures other than your own.

    ^^ Cultural imperialism. You'll be forcing McDonald's on developing countries next.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I read the first few pages of this thread.

    My step-daughter is 17. There is no WAY in h3ll her father, mother, or even her open-minded step-mom would let her go out with a 29 year old.

    Of course, I'm not in the UK, and I think the statutory rape stoppage age is 16 in my state, but dang...

    That said, let's assume for a second that she is a very mature 17. Even mature, she is not done growing up. I can tell you I sure wasn't the same person at 25 that I was at 17-18, and at 18 I was living on my own, paying bills, keeping up a household, etc.

    But that's just my opinion and I'm just some interwebz person. You're going to do what you want to do regardless.

    So let me get this right. At the age of 18 she will magically be all grown up? Also, and I'm saying his without any knowledge abotu your kid, but many kids lose their virginity far before 18. Whats the difference?

    Nope...My point was that at the "legal adult" age of 18, they can do what they want, but a) there will be growing up to do over the next several years; and b) as long as she lives under her parents' roofs, she needs to live by their rules...same goes for my sons. My youngest IS 18, still in school, and plays by the house rules.

    Example - I married right after my 18th birthday. Three years later we divorced because we both, um...grew up, and happened to do so in different directions. In retrospect, I wish that we HADN'T gotten married at that age, but you couldn't tell me crap when I turned 18...I was grown and knew everything. Kinda sad that by 21 I knew how expensive divorce is.
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    If it's LEGAL then I don't see a problem. Love really does not matter what age someone is. I'm sure if she was 21 & him asking when he was 33 people would STILL have a problem. That's what's wrong with people.... they see the dirty creepy side of EVERYTHING. They don;t see that people can be in love with each other regardless of the age.

    Like I said, as long as it's legal then you do what you feel is right. Screw what anyone else thinks.

    Good point - legally what is the age of consent. After that the arguement becomes one of personal morals.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    If she's not old enough to remember the original 150 Pokemon....she's too young for you bro.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    I'm from Asia. We have a strict policy of old enough to bleed, old enough to breed

    You realize that here in North America in some cases that means 8 years old?

    That's like promoting pedophielia.

    Well, we don't drink and eat food filled with artificial hormones. Girls here typically have their periods around 13+ years.

    ^ Says that like 13 years old is ok...


    I thought you knew about my culture *cough* BS *cough*

    13 is NOT ok in the UK, the US, or 95% of all other countries. You need to take your own advice and learn about cultures other than your own.

    Good thing I am not talking about the other countries, am I? And I thought you knew what my culture is?

    she does she's saying it's not ok for a 13 year old to have sex....
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I'm from Asia.

    Just casually perusing through your posts on this thread. Where exactly in Asia do you live? Or maybe you already said it and I just missed it.

    I'm going to say he is from one of the Asian countries. Not Africa or Europe. But this is an assumption.
  • rabies
    rabies Posts: 62
    My mother was 18 when she met my father, 19 when she married him. He was 40. BUT, my mother graduated from highschool at 16 years old (she's one of those smart types), graduated from college, and had already been married and divorced with a child (book smart, not people smart- her first husband was an abusive alcoholic) when she met my father. So she wasn't quite like today's 18 year old maturity wise. My dad passed away two weeks after their 33rd anniversary.

    Your mom didn't suddenly become "people-smart" when she met your dad, she was simply lucky he wasn't another *kitten*. And here's the thing: teenagers usually can't tell if someone's being abusive, and if they do, they don't know how to deal with it. Even less that grownups. Yet another reason for adults not to date kids.

    Thanks again for proving my point. I'm genuinely just a nice guy.

    I'm not a jerk. I simply plan on taking her out and seeing if there's the same chemistry I felt for her at the gym.



    Pff, just admit it; you want to screw her, and she's hot enough for you to ignore common sense.
    Well, go for it. I'm fairly sure you'll strike out quickly though, as she's not likely to be very interested. Being a hot 17-year old an all, she probably doesn't have to settle for 29-year olds who wants to sleep with teenagers.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    29- 17 ..... ummm that's a bit much, I mean seriously other than the gym what can you possibly have in common. She's probably still in HS, and like the other person said would you be ok with your daughter dating a 29 year old at 17? I'm pretty sure the answer may be no.

    The way I see it is, if they still live at home, have no clue what it's like to pay rent, they may be too young, but then again this may be my "mom" hat talking.

    Not sure why the heck people are even dicussing LOVE yet, you just MET!! hello. Any who.... It may get old by next week for her. Are you ready to show up to prom? no, I mean really.

    Well we talked about a number of things. Namely movies, music, and stuff like that. She even knew a bit about politics as well. She's a very mature 17 year old. It's not like she had a Britney Spears back pack on.