How young is too young?



  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    going by your pics you're from india? i think given the current movement for fairer treatment of women in your country after a woman had her insides removed with a scaffold pole after being raped by 6 men, you might want to have a look at what values you're holding to lol...
    sometimes cultures need to change.

  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Well, my people aren't ignorant enough to place each other in "classes". But thanks for bringing up that I'm a low class.

    ETA: What is considered high class in your opinion. I actually wanna know know? I have lived in US for 10 years and am doing a PhD now in Asia and my immediate family members consists of Chief accountants and doctors and businessman. Whats a high class to you and low-class to you?
    i'll draw my own assumptions from your evasion.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Still an assumption that you presented as fact. He could've not been in the US since his he was 8 years old and grew up some where that didn't hold those cultural values.

    Any assumption could be reasonable if you tailored the bits of information you have to fit that assumption.

    Yes, with the scenario you presented that would indeed be a case of the possibility of not knowing certain values of the country in which you were raised. I wouldn't call it tailored. Just merely a logical conclusion from a sentence he wrote. Sorry if that offended you in any way, which it seems to have.
    Funfact did you know you can get married in the US at 16 if your family is okay with it? Not bad for such an uptight country.

    Yes good sir I do, in fact, know variations of this law are present in the states. Just see how often that actually happens.

    (hint: rarely)

    It feels like you're trying to point out loopholes of any kind to circumvent the general US stigma of an age gap such as the one between the OP and the 17 year old girl he wants to pursue a relationship with. I did say that there are exceptions, as there are in any country, to one holding a difference in view of a vast majority. Sometimes its for the better, but in my opinion, this isn't one of those times.
  • mimiwin
    mimiwin Posts: 42 Member



    I'm from Asia. We have a strict policy of old enough to bleed, old enough to breed

    That is seriously disgusting and I am reporting it for obvious reasons.

    I'm sorry but do you live here? Are you aware of our culture? In many religions here, after the first period a girl is considered of age to be married.

    Just because you don't know the old cultures or don't agree with them doesn't make them disgusting. Your ignorance makes me disgusted. Feel free to reply with where you come from and I can point out what I find disgusting about the culture YOU have

    PS. Reporting YOUR post for attacking an entire culture, religion and me. Also because you're too ignorant to be on a decent support forum.


    The person who replied to your comment was disgusted by how you worded it. It's nothing about difference in culture.

    I TOTALLY AGREE !!! tHE WAY YOU ARE SAYING IT SAYS A LOT ABOUT YOU AS A PERSON !!! I do not care if you are from India or anywhere else this comment is disgusting and I find you are using the fact that you know languages and you are possibly more educated ( or not ) than some people to validate your opinions when really all you do is repeat what you have been told without even challenging any of it... It is not because something is part of a culture ( any culture ) that it makes it right !!!

    Have you ever heard of infibulation ( same thing for lapidation ) ??? It is a common practice in some countries in the world... because it has been transmitted as a part of their "culture"... It is an inhuman practice justified under the name of culture or we could say habits, superstition... whatever we want to call it. You just use this " cultural belief " to satisfy and justify your own agenda !! ( I am not sure it actually can be considered being part of the indian culture or if it is only part of the beliefs of some indian people and non indian people )

    Your belief belong to you, do not try to justify your belief by cowardly associating it to a culture !

    If we have a brain it is to use it... I am not perfect but I always try to think by myself about the information I am presented with.. We should challenge what we are taught and what we learn to believe as fact just because... so please if your only reason to justify an older man having sex with a 13 years old is the fact that it is part of your " culture " ... well I don't have much more to say.
    Last thing is, I believe there are a lot of Indian people out there that would not share this belief " We have a strict policy of old enough to bleed, old enough to breed " even if some probably would.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    Options a parent in the US, I wld have a "fit" if a 29 y/o called my 17 y/o (heck I kind of wld hv a fit if a 29 y/o cld my 21 y/o)--thts just me though...Wow
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    going by your pics you're from india? i think given the current movement for fairer treatment of women in your country after a woman had her insides removed with a scaffold pole after being raped by 6 men, you might want to have a look at what values you're holding to lol...
    sometimes cultures need to change.

    including our own.

    the recent news in america, with more sympathy for rapist jocks than for their victim, would illustrate the point. marital rape was legal in the uk right up until 1991. i don't think there's a culture on the planet that shouldn't be striving to improve.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    lol yeah let me ignore thousands of years of wisdom and culture in the name of science that is what? 50 years old?

    Need I remind you that not too long ago, doctors caused more fatalities at the time of child birth compared to the old ladies who'd deliver? Wheres your science then?

    Or how about, you keep your nose out of my culture and keep whatever fad you got going on to your own country huh?
    i would add that, attitudes like yours are mostly common in the lower classes of most of the cultures you speak of. the higher classes, those who are educated, tending towards marrying later.

    wow, thank you for calling me low class...

    Thats really classy of you
    if we were to ask the opinion of someone genuinely high class from your culture, where would they place you?

    Well, my people aren't ignorant enough to place each other in "classes". But thanks for bringing up that I'm a low class.

    going by your pics you're from india? i think given the current movement for fairer treatment of women in your country after a woman had her insides removed with a scaffold pole after being raped by 6 men, you might want to have a look at what values you're holding to lol...

    Yeah... NOT from Indian. Once again, don't speak in matters you don't know of. kk? kk
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    My goodness, this has been masterful.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    going by your pics you're from india? i think given the current movement for fairer treatment of women in your country after a woman had her insides removed with a scaffold pole after being raped by 6 men, you might want to have a look at what values you're holding to lol...
    sometimes cultures need to change.

    I agree. A culture where a women magically becomes an adult at the age of 18 needs to change...

    A culture where a "kid" is old enough to kill in the name of "spreading democracy " and/or get wounded yet cannot drink till the age of 21 needs to change
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    My goodness, this has been masterful.

    Sucessfull troll is sucessfull
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    If you're asking then you're already going to have age issues.


    I think it's society with the age issues.

    mate... seriously it sounds like youve made your mind up... do you have anything to prove to an internet community? if you're gonna do it then do it!?

    Because I feel discriminated against!!

    that's probably because you are lol

    Well at least you're the ONE person who can admit.

    I appreciate that if nothing else.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    And Taunto, before you say it, I DO know about your culture, and I am entitled to an opinion just as much as you are.

    I have noticed you posting controversial posts in an attempt to get a rise out of people many times on here, and now that you have, you don't seem to like it. In all honesty, what did you expect people's reactions to be to your post? You have to understand our way of living just as much as you expect us to understand yours.

    Where am I from. Please tell me and also tell me how you know my culture and how does that entitle you to an opinion?
  • mimiwin
    mimiwin Posts: 42 Member
    I TOTALLY AGREE !!! tHE WAY YOU ARE SAYING IT SAYS A LOT ABOUT YOU AS A PERSON !!! I do not care if you are from India or anywhere else this comment is disgusting and I find you are using the fact that you know languages and you are possibly more educated ( or not ) than some people to validate your opinions when really all you do is repeat what you have been told without even challenging any of it... It is not because something is part of a culture ( any culture ) that it makes it right !!!

    Have you ever heard of infibulation ( same thing for lapidation ) ??? It is a common practice in some countries in the world... because it has been transmitted as a part of their "culture"... It is an inhuman practice justified under the name of culture or we could say habits, superstition... whatever we want to call it. You just use this " cultural belief " to satisfy and justify your own agenda !! ( I am not sure it actually can be considered being part of the indian culture or if it is only part of the beliefs of some indian people and non indian people too )

    Your belief belong to you, do not try to justify your belief by cowardly associating it to a culture !

    If we have a brain it is to use it... I am not perfect but I always try to think by myself about the information I am presented with.. We should challenge what we are taught and what we learn to believe as fact just because... so please if your only reason to justify an older man having sex with a 13 years old is the fact that it is part of your " culture " ... well I don't have much more to say.
    Last thing is, I believe there are a lot of Indian people out there that would not share this belief " We have a strict policy of old enough to bleed, old enough to breed " even if some probably would.

    To me you are simply a cheap but a disgusting one too !!
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    going by your pics you're from india? i think given the current movement for fairer treatment of women in your country after a woman had her insides removed with a scaffold pole after being raped by 6 men, you might want to have a look at what values you're holding to lol...
    sometimes cultures need to change.

    including our own.

    the recent news in america, with more sympathy for rapist jocks than for their victim, would illustrate the point. marital rape was legal in the uk right up until 1991. i don't think there's a culture on the planet that shouldn't be striving to improve.

    I very much agree with this. A friend of mine showed me all these Twitter posts and FB posts by people, actually blaming the girl for the rape, that she was a "slut" and "why was she drinking in the first place." Yeah, because you should be punished for making a stupid choice by way of rape. Even worse was those females who got arrested for harassing and threatening her. Disgusting.
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Here's a new twist - If you are old enough to lay down your life for you country, then why should age in relationships matter. Faulty logic ? it's been used for other arguments, just sayin
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    No. She is not mature enough no matter how she acts. I don't know how you would even think that this is okay. I am 33 and when I see kids in their teens they look sooo young to me. Almost like kids in high school look like they are in middle school.

    I truly believe after 25 years old age stops mattering. If she were 21 Id still be skeptical but more accepting. She cant drink for 4 years. You are at very different stages in your life. You are in the stage of your life when you start settling down, she should be focused on college and finding herself. You'd be doing a disadvantage to her by dating her. The last thing she needs is someone holding her back. Stay away because this is creepy
  • rabies
    rabies Posts: 62
    And Taunto, before you say it, I DO know about your culture, and I am entitled to an opinion just as much as you are.

    I have noticed you posting controversial posts in an attempt to get a rise out of people many times on here, and now that you have, you don't seem to like it. In all honesty, what did you expect people's reactions to be to your post? You have to understand our way of living just as much as you expect us to understand yours.

    Where am I from. Please tell me and also tell me how you know my culture and how does that entitle you to an opinion?

    Personally I have no clue at all about your culture. I'm still entitled to the opinion that sex with children is wrong no matter what dark-ages culture it occurs in. In some parts of the world public stoning of girls, for committing the crime of getting raped, is part of the culture. That doesn't make it right.

    Your culture is wrong dude, and so is the OP.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    going by your pics you're from india? i think given the current movement for fairer treatment of women in your country after a woman had her insides removed with a scaffold pole after being raped by 6 men, you might want to have a look at what values you're holding to lol...
    sometimes cultures need to change.

    including our own.

    the recent news in america, with more sympathy for rapist jocks than for their victim, would illustrate the point. marital rape was legal in the uk right up until 1991. i don't think there's a culture on the planet that shouldn't be striving to improve.

    I very much agree with this. A friend of mine showed me all these Twitter posts and FB posts by people, actually blaming the girl for the rape, that she was a "slut" and "why was she drinking in the first place." Yeah, because you should be punished for making a stupid choice by way of rape. Even worse was those females who got arrested for harassing and threatening her. Disgusting.
    and how impressive it is that we can post our disgust without being accused of being anti american.

    if you love your country and your culture then you want it to be the best it can be, and admitting it's flaws is part of that.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    No. She is not mature enough no matter how she acts. I don't know how you would even think that this is okay. I am 33 and when I see kids in their teens they look sooo young to me. Almost like kids in high school look like they are in middle school.

    I truly believe after 25 years old age stops mattering. If she were 21 Id still be skeptical but more accepting. She cant drink for 4 years. You are at very different stages in your life. You are in the stage of your life when you start settling down, she should be focused on college and finding herself. You'd be doing a disadvantage to her by dating her. The last thing she needs is someone holding her back. Stay away because this is creepy

    Again with the creepy . . .

    But she doesn't even look young! I never would've approached her if I thought she was 17!

    I thought she was 22 or 21.

    It was a school day for Pete's sake!!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Still an assumption that you presented as fact. He could've not been in the US since his he was 8 years old and grew up some where that didn't hold those cultural values.

    Any assumption could be reasonable if you tailored the bits of information you have to fit that assumption.

    Yes, with the scenario you presented that would indeed be a case of the possibility of not knowing certain values of the country in which you were raised. I wouldn't call it tailored. Just merely a logical conclusion from a sentence he wrote. Sorry if that offended you in any way, which it seems to have.
    Funfact did you know you can get married in the US at 16 if your family is okay with it? Not bad for such an uptight country.

    Yes good sir I do, in fact, know variations of this law are present in the states. Just see how often that actually happens.

    (hint: rarely)

    It feels like you're trying to point out loopholes of any kind to circumvent the general US stigma of an age gap such as the one between the OP and the 17 year old girl he wants to pursue a relationship with. I did say that there are exceptions, as there are in any country, to one holding a difference in view of a vast majority. Sometimes its for the better, but in my opinion, this isn't one of those times.

    Not really offended at all pretty lady, just playing devil advocate to the situation to give some different perspective.

    *points @ Chit-Chat, Fun, and Games*