kirstenmaria Member


  • I'm a bit younger than the support group you may be looking for, but I am back and most of the friends I had on here years ago are no longer around. Add me if you like :) I like to read some of the food journals to see what else people cook for dinner and get insight into what works for others.
  • Add me too! I weigh about 260, my goal is 140. The last time I can remember being thin, I weighed 160 and wore a size 10. I want out of the double digit clothes (even though I look darn good in a 12)...but most importantly I need to lower my blood pressure and risk of diabetes. My first real goal is to lower my resting…
  • You can do it. Due to ops sec these days I can't tell you who, but I know someone very well who was in the same boat. Or plane :P He lost 90 pounds in several months, and shocked his AF recruiter.He lost even more in San Antonio, before gaining about 10 lbs back, but passes those PT tests like he needs to. He did it by…
  • I have 110 pounds to lose. Anyone reading this can add me too :)
  • I like PF. I don't ever see myself as someone who needs to lift weights that are not attached to a machine. Due to the cheap cost (relative, I know, but when I was broke I joined a gym for $70 a month, so now it seems like pennies), I maintain two gym memberships. One at Planet Fitness, and one at a smaller gym for women…
  • I haven't found any wonder foods that actually lower my BP yet. I believe it depends on the cause of your high blood pressure. If it is diet induced, then changing diet will help, but I seem to have high blood pressure primarily caused by an autoimmune disease (or hereditary, idk), so the low sodium diet didn't do much.
  • I'm back. I've been flirting with the idea for a while, but I want off blood pressure meds asap. Easiest way to do that would appear to be weight loss.
  • Oh oh oh! Pick me!! My husband and I want to start a family soon too, but I HAVE to lose weight. I found out recently I was pregnant, then a week later I miscarried. My doctor told me that I'm at high risk for preclampsya and gestational diabetes, as well as repeat complications during the first trimester next time too.…
  • I have gym anxiety too...because people at my gym STARE. It's as though they've never seen a large lady on an elliptical before!! My husband and I found that we aren't very good at going to the gym, so we have started collecting a home gym. We have a small collection of hand weights, a medicine ball, a yoga ball, and our…
  • I would get the gym management involved.
  • 1) There are girls who do not like to date men who look like they could be cast in movies. No offense to the gentlemen with bulging muscles on this site, but I wouldn't date them. Let's see, when I was 19, I was not yet unhealthy/obese, and the only men I dated who I liked probably weighed something about what you weigh.…
  • I like my quinoa a couple different ways. Yesterday I cooked it with canned bean and cashews in chicken broth. It was okay, but the chicken broth really removed the flavor of the quinoa itself, and the sodium was a bit too high for my liking. I think next time I'd like to incorporate some spinach, and maybe some sauteed…
  • 1 c Cheerios, 1/2 c skim milk. Medium banana. Bag of Emerald Breakfast to Go Nuts & Oats. 1 c water Coffee and French vanilla cream cup. HUGE breakfast for me, but it's my birthday. I'm trying to avoid going hungry today so I don't regret my decision not to have cake. So far, so good!
  • It's been a while, but you should be here by now. If you haven't already, bring your dog down to the Hickam Dog Beach sometime. If you're on the road that goes to the regular Hickam Beach/Marina/Sam Choy's/Golf Course, before you get that far you'll see an old chapel on the left, and a bunch of old vintage housing on the…
  • I'm not fit at all. I'm actually very out of shape. I DO have a fitbit though. I have a fairly sedentary lifestyle, and I didn't realize it until I got the fitbit. I don't log my workouts anymore; I only use the fitbit calorie adjustment. I've found it doesn't work quite as accurately if I'm on the elliptical at the gym,…
  • Great advice. I finally figured out how show my negative exercise. I only count my fitbit calorie adjustment. Turns out my lifestyle is, on most days, less than sedentary by MFP's standards, and I wasn't losing anything when I was calculating my exercise through MFP because it was giving me more credit than I deserved.…
  • I used to be a college student. I know how hard it can be to balance everything (that's why I'm here now). Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm back. We're all the way out here at sunny Joint Base Pearl Harbor - Hickam :) Happy New Year! :glasses:
    in Hey Comment by kirstenmaria January 2014
  • My husband and I like flavored coffee creamers. In order to avoid using too much, I like the little cup kind you can get at membership stores in the huge boxes. If you want to try drinking regular coffees, try using a light roast. It's not as acidic tasting to me. If you use a light roast in a frappe maker, I would guess…
  • Thank you for posting! If I can look half as good as you at the end of this journey, I will be feeling pretty good! You look great, very healthy, strong, and happy. Thanks for sharing!
  • I-O...not from Ohio, and I agree with the previous poster. Don't limit yourself geographically. Chances are you'll never meet the people you meet on here in person, but a few of the folks you add will help support you better than anyone else. I'm from PA, went to undergrad at Muskingum, and now I'm in Hawaii. Feel free to…
    in O-H Comment by kirstenmaria January 2014
  • To lose weight you can eat whatever you want as long as calories don't go over. If you want to consider the scientific effects of "bad" foods on your body, then that's a separate issue. For example, Diet Coke has 0 calories, but I stopped drinking diet sodas because of the effects they wreak on our bodies and brains.…
  • I have 100 pounds to lose. I swore back in September I was going to get in shape. I was supposed to have tests done this month to determine if I need blood pressure medication, but I didn't exercise enough and I gained back the 5 pounds I lost, so I found myself too scared to face the music for tests (horrible logic, I…
  • I had counseling for an hour once a week where I learned coping mechanisms to help with binge cravings and emotions, etc, at an eating disorders clinic. Treatment is almost the same as bulimia or anorexia. I was simultaneously treated for mild depression once a month, and saw a nutritionist in the same center every so…
  • I underwent treatment, and feel I'm cured. I can emote normally, and don't rely on binging and crazy chemical imbalances to prevent or deal with emotions. My statement was only to suggest that insurance companies have recognized it and cover treatment and counseling.
  • It's been considered an eating disorder in the US for years.
  • Hi there :) Feel free to add me. Height: 5'5" Age: 25 SW: 252 CW: 249 GW: 150
  • Bump! This is also a great way to clean out the more calorie-dense foods from my cabinets! I have a stare down with the box of au gratin potatoes in my pantry every time I try to plan what to eat for dinner!
  • bump. I was craving no-bakes last night and didn't have healthy ingredients; going shopping tonight!!
  • Wendy's salads! Almost 800 Calories!!!