If you shave it do it every other day and there will not be any itchy regrowh. also get a mirror down there for the undercarriage!!!!
Go to a movie or shopping.
Don't be so hard on yourself!!! you are a nice looking guy. Trust me you don't want a sunken gaunt looking face. go out there and enjoy your new body!!
put a coffee filter on the bottom of a popsicle stick to catch drips.
I don't like coffee so I always drink green tea iced only just my preference. I have lost almost 30 pounds but I don't just think its because of the tea . I used to drink lots of Monster energy drinks and switched to green tea.just to throw this out there I only do a cheat once a month and only one meal not a whole day.
Not exactly stated at 215 and am at 188. consistency is what has worked for me. Once a month I have a couple slices of pizza sometimes lean cuisine pizza, no alcohol. I eat the same on the weekends that I do during the week. Its prettty boring but I am very determined.
thats teriffic its all about the music. I would not be able to work out without music.
new friends and a hobby.
I totally understand, trying on jeans suck. I also weigh 189 and am a size 16. I would love a 14 or smaller, guess i need to lose another 30 or 40 before that happens. I feel your pain.
lifestyle change, chillax,sexy
you should tell her what she says is hurtful, then just say hey lets support each other. If you can I would drive to zumba separetely that way if she wants taco bell you can just say no thanks I really need a shower.
they liked you before your weight loss because they are jealous of the new you.
I like the long coral colored one .
love my scale. but if i have an apple or something I don't weigh it. Just my meats mostly to make sure I don't go over 4 oz. Other items get the measuring cups and spoons.
I use Morton's Lite Salt. have for years it has half the sodium of table salt and lots of potassium
how sad. I don't know. maybe he had an undiagnosed heart condition.
I did a two week vacation and just drank tons of bottled water, no alcohol, went to the beach , bowling, swimming, did eat out but made good choices. I did not want to lose ground on what I had lost before the trip. I gained a little over a pound. thats it.
happens every week and everyone likes to go out to eat at least once or twice a week. I always say no thanks, then if I get asked again later its like no been really busy. If they keep hounding me its like ok I will later, but never do. They expect me to eat . I am the FAT girl in an office of 6.
no but the nearest one in kansas city for next summer is already full.
love that!!!
ask if its ok to bring something, say that doesn't sound like much do you mind if I bring some salad or fruit to go with it?
this is why people that binge all weekend and only eat decent mon-fri complain ---Why can't I lose weight?.
you are a true friend wow what a crazy story. she really took advantage of your kindness
this is why you don't eat exercise calories back. well I don't.
I would add a sodium tracker and cut out the chips and poptarts. replace the processed foods with better choices. If you buckled down and lost 100 pounds go back to what you did then. protien seems low too.
Kansas and yes I have a dorthy costume
I use a womens active vitamin pack from gnc and there is one in the packet. Can't complain but I eat healthy like 98% of the time. went out for mother's day and spluged on pizza and cake at the end of july for my sons birthday. the pounds and inches are coming off.
Oh honey its not a plateau . You need to add a sodium tracker, I did after a month and was shocked and I was eating healthy. You should take your lunch to work the money you save from eating out can be put towards a reward system. exercise does not matter if you are eating poorly. I go out to eat maybe twice a month and…
Don't forget some hard boiled eggs for protien!
I stopped my monster drinks and replaced with green tea.