mkgk03 Member


  • Thanks, Z!!!
  • Nothing against using Alli, but if you're going to eat a clean diet, shouldn't that alone help you lose weight? I guess I just don't see the benefits of taking a pill when the changes you have to make in order to take it, would already allow you to lose weight. It's kind of like individuals who get gastric bypass-- most of…
  • Anyone is free to add me! I have another 155 I'd like to lose!
  • After looking at the last few days of your food diary, here are my thoughts: 1. Your breakfasts are like snacks. They are not actual meals. Try eating an actual balanced breakfast. For example, eat a 4-egg white omelette with veggies, with a slice of toast and a glass of milk. You can also eat something simpler like a…
  • Can you try eating bigger meals earlier in the day? And maybe drinking less water during your work out?
  • I'd start out with 5 minutes of a warm up on a cardio machine to get your HR up. Then, I'd do whatever weights you want to do. I wouldn't time it. I would just go with what you can do. Then I'd try to do at least 20 minutes of cardio the first day or however long you can go, until you build up to 30-60 minutes per day. I…
    in New to Gym Comment by mkgk03 April 2012
  • There is definitely a difference!! Great job!!
  • I wish I could see your previous weigh-ins. There's a few things you can do to shake things up a little as a way to "shock" the scale: 1. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. I don't see a lot of water intake on your food diary, so just track it so you're completely sure of how many oz you're drinking. I measure my oz using…
  • How often are you weighing yourself? You should only be counting your weight on the scale once a week, as our bodies do fluctuate on a daily basis due to water weight. If you're only on day 2 of 30DS, then I'd be willing to bet that your muscles are retaining water. Give it a week and check again. Over time, the scale will…
  • Name: mkgk03: Goal weight on April 30: 302 lbs 4/01: 307.6 4/09: 4/16: 4/23: 4/30 Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods