Keekie51 Member


  • Just 3 days into my plan. I'm a wimp with 1600 cal/day, 165 carb/day. Last Oct. tried on my own using 165 carbs. only and lost 8 lbs. in that month. Then with xmas season, I quit. I didn't know about MFP until now. So, my plan on 1600 is to lose 1.5 lbs. week, and I am very happy to do it that way, because I have 'starved'…
  • I've done that before too and it's not good at all. I have just found this site 3 days ago, and am happy to be on 1600 calories, 165 carbs/day. I don't care that it is only 1.5 lbs/wk, because I know my body will love it.
  • AWESOME SHIRT! I'm a newbie waiting to get into several clothing items buried in my closet. Nice to see you are getting there!
  • Ontario and was a balmy 21C today warm and sunny!
  • Hi, I am a newbie too, with my 3rd. day coming to a close. It has been a terrific start. I can't get over how easy it is and that it tabulates as you go. Today was my first 'exercise' day, going for 30 minutes on a bike at moderate level. To me, moderate is where I am huffing and puffing, as I am so outta shape, not how…