

  • Exactly! Keep up the good work!
  • Exactly. My box...meaning Crossfit gym to you Heath not so nice gal....has an introductory session, then you decide if you'd like it before you take the mandatory classes before actually joining. During those classes, you go over and over and over again the different moves, correctly mind you, and the workouts are scaled…
  • I have to ask Ms. Health_Gal......have YOU tried Crossfit at all?
  • You don't have to do heavy lifting. And if you can't do the rx, which I'm guessing you couldn't, you scale to do what you are capable of doing. Use common sense. The instructors help you, that's what they're there for. Proper form is the key.
  • Ever see the shirt with the person on the elliptical and it says "Fail" on the front and on the back has a pic of a person with the bar and says "Win"? Lol. That's for health_gal. Hahahaha.
  • Wow. Shocked to hear so many negative things about CROSSFIT. I am a crossfitter and wouldn't change it for the world. I can't do all the heavy lifting that's involved in the Olympic weightlifting part of Crossfit, but I do scale down when I need to as well as modifying a workout when needed... which is a majority of the…
  • I see all of you talking about C25k. What is it? It looks like something that I might be like! I've just started walking/jogging on the treadmill at the gym yesterday and today. Today for 15 mins and yesterday for 10.....and it's literally a jog at 5 mph/rpms. I HATE running so it's always a challenge for me so I'm looking…
  • I've always heard to weigh yourself about the same time of day every time you weigh yourself. And don't weigh yourself everyday. Your weight does vary on a daily basis and you'll drive yourself insane. lol. I've done it so I know. LOL. Definitely weigh yourself after you go to the bathroom, naked and before you eat or…
  • Best of luck to you from Baltimore Maryland!!!!!!!:smile:
  • I am definitely feeling your pain here. It's 124 am and I just ate some crackers and crab dip. and had 24 oz of water. I think what people are saying is true. Definitely think of what you are eating or drinking before you go to bed. Make sure that nothing has caffeine in it. And very very very true about watching tv or…
  • Thank you everyone for your support! I am so excited to meet people from across the country who have the same goals and desires as me. I feel that I am now going to be accountable to all of you! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • That is sooo amazing! Keep up the great work!