SarahKat81 Member


  • I started taking Align after a scope. 6 months later I had another scope and there was less of my intestines affected by the UC. I also changed my diet and tried to stick to low fiber, whole foods (as little processed as possible). Not sure which helped more, but I'm going to continue both! Best of luck to you!
  • @samanthaluangphixay thanks! I'm looking to just get back into ketosis, not necessarily for fast weight loss (although that would be nice, I don't want lose it just to gain it again!) Sounds like I need to just start logging everything again and keeping the carbs as low as possible!
  • @kirkor Thanks...I wondered if there was any benefit to it, or if it was just a way of making sure you are eating low carb by eliminating any guess work!
  • THERE! It must be the emojis that cut off the post. Weird.
  • Why won't it let me post my entire post? I have tried to edit it twice!
  • What about Amazon?
  • I've been debating getting some...I just don't drink coffee and need to figure out another way to use it!! Good luck!
  • Oh and mine was at a 9! I had to beg them to let me go back to work that day!! I really think this WOE helps inflammation.
  • Mine was extremely high and I had to go on prednisone for awhile (this was due to an autoimmune issue) I have been on the low carb diet and off of steroids for 3 weeks and I am having none of the issues I had before. Good luck! Sometimes the tests leave you with more questions than answers!!
  • Thanks @sylvettecorprewharris Thanks and good luck to you as well! Autoimmune diseases are no joke and no fun!
  • @KenSmith108 I have 2 boys and we waited 10 years between them. One in middle school and the other potty training...this uterus is closed for business!! Thanks @ladipoet !!
  • Not to sound unsympathetic to cancer victims or survivors, but I had cancer when I was 13 (ovarian, dysgerminoma) and it was a complete "fluke" according to the doctors. I think cancer can hit anyone at anytime and ANYTHING can be bad for your health in excess. I now have UC...seems I'm predestined for health problems. I…
  • I am taking Juice Plus that has all the veggie/fruit nutrition. It has 2 net carbs per daily dose and a probiotic, BUT I have an autoimmune disease that effects my Gastrointestinal system. (UC)
  • It seems like I can't get it under 80g, but my calories have been under since I started 1 week ago. I also feel like I'm eating less. I'm going to just keep tracking and chugging water and see where I am in a week!
  • @noclady1995 I almost felt silly for asking, but thought I better be safe than sorry! @tsazani I don't lift I do the stair stepper while I watch The Office on Netflix. I want make sure I lose fat and not what little muscle I have!!
  • Oh my gosh! That makes me feel better. I'm such a noob, and I've been reading everything I can find on the lchf/keto way of eating. One thing that kept coming up was too much protein is bad. I've had no problems as far as being hungry and even my cravings aren't too bad! And this afternoon I actually weighed a pound and a…
  • Oh my gosh! This is awesome! Will there be another 12 week challenge after the current one is over?
  • I have UC diagnosed one year ago this summer. I gained 10 pounds on steroids that I can't seem to get rid of, and still have I feel your pain!! I haven't been on MFP in a long while, but I'm hoping it will help me figure out what my "triggers" are, but I'm like you- enough is enough! I was hoping to find a…
  • I am glad to hear that you tried Jillian Michael's DVD and they work! Went to the Dr. today and gained another 3 25 so far. REALLY hoping not to get past a 30 pound gain. Hang in there, guys...not long to go! (Easier said than done, I know!) I am not sure how to add friends, but I would love some some who are…
  • So glad someone started a thread for March babies! We are expecting our second boy on March 17th, St. Patrick's day. Our first will be 10 on March 11th, so they will be almost exactly 10 years apart...We wanted to wait till I finished my teaching degree...then it turned into waiting till I got settled in a teaching…