You just have to make sure they are labeled as gluten free oats. Oats are easily contaminated. I like Bob's Red Mill GF Oats.
I love the cake mixes already so a new and cheaper mix would be awesome. I have a book that bases all of the recipes off of those cake mixes and I've made some really great gluten free desserts. I do have to be careful though because we can finish off a whole cake in a couple of days!
We actually just re-did our baseline yesterday. When I did it 4 months ago on my first day of CrossFit it took me almost 10 minutes and I had to do my push-ups from my knees and it was a struggle to do the pull-ups with the biggest band. I cut 3 minutes off my time in 4 months! Took me 6:44 yesterday. I still did my…
When I first started I was going 5 days a week plus running a couple days and going to boot camp twice a week. Took me about 6 weeks and I burned out big time. I didn't want to do anything for days! At my new box I can really only afford 3 times a week and I have not been working out in addition. I've been focusing on…
I would probably do the workout. It doesn't seem like it will be too hard on the legs; a lot of upper body stuff. But I also did a pretty crazy WOD the night before a half marathon so maybe I'm not a good person to ask :-) You'll be surpised by how "in shape" you feel for running just from crossfitting. Have fun at your 5K!
Scale back on whatever you need to. When I'm sore or hurt the coaches are pretty good about helping me figure out how to scale the workout so I still get something out of it without getting hurt. Also a foam roller would be great for your quads. When I first started my quads and calves were getting really sore so I foam…
I've also gotten the anti-crossfit message from her. Happened within a day or so of my first crossfit post. It's like she's looking for us!
It must be the week for this sort of stuff! I've been out of CF all week because of a spider bite that turned into a staph infection on the underside of my arm! I had a nine inch sore on Monday that went from about my arm pit to almost my elbow!!! It has gone down to about 3 inches as of this morning. I think I will be…
I also can't eat within a few hours of working out. As long as I'm working out relatively soon after I get up I don't feel tired or sluggish.
Good article! And you are right that I wouldn't do myself any favors over training. For some reason I feel guilty if I don't workout everyday but that is not the right mindset for something like crossfit.
Was the different class any better? I LOVE my 5am class. I went this morning and we were all miserable and trying to figure out who pissed the coach off enough to get the beating we got. I refuse to ever go to the 5:30 PM class because it is the mean "mommy" class where there is no support.
I have avoided going to certain times because I didn't like the attitudes of some of the people. There were actually women telling me I couldn't lift certain weights or they would be mad if I could lift it. I'm not into the whispering and rudeness. So I go early in the morning while they have to get kids ready for school…
I started training in October for a half marathon that I ran 3 weeks ago. I lost ZERO pounds running 3-4 days a week and doing boot camp 1-2 days a week in that almost 4 month period. I did count and log all my calories too! I am another one of those people that is in a healthy weight range as well so maybe that's why I…
That sounds like good advice. I guess I can't expect to be a crossfit superstar by my second week :-) I just hear people talk about how sore they are or how hard the workouts are and I'm just not there. The WODs have been hard but I've recovered much quicker than I expected.
There has to be a happy medium. I don't want to throw myself into a 4 or 5 round for time WOD and be laying on the ground and puking by round 3. If it happens at the end of the workout that would be great. I see people who throw everything into the workout off the bat and then don't even finish it. I guess I'd just rather…
I'd like more crossfit friends as well. This is my second week and I'm already hooked! I'm trying to get my boyfriend into it as well and he just isn't as excited as me. He's used to working out just not at the pace and intensity of crossfit.
I'm pretty new to crossfit (2nd week!) but I was looking through the schedule at my location and it looks like they did Murph for Valentine's Day. By the comments I bet we don't do it again for a while.
I'm gluten free due to Celiac. Feel free to add me if you want ideas from my food diary. I was dairy free for a few months but recently have started eating yogurt and cheese again.
Just wanted to put this out there- from what I can find if you are in the US both modified food starch and carmel color are both gluten free. If either is derived from wheat the FDA requires the label to include "wheat" somewhere in it. If someone knows differently I'd love to know. I'm SUPER sensitive and haven't had…
I have celiac as well. Check out my diary if you'd like some ideas. A lot of the gluten free replacement products have a lot of calories so I've found it easier to just eat meat, veggies, fruit, rice, quinoa, and other "whole" unprocessed foods.
My first half is February 9th! I'd love some more running friends even though I'm only a couple of weeks away from my race. I'm guessing I'll sign up for another one because I've realized that I really enjoy running!
Working on being a not chunky runner here! I have my first half marathon on February 9th. Would love to have some support/running friends.
I am one of the super sensitives :-( I do not think it is the norm though. A few weeks ago I ate a bar that said gluten free on it. Within a few hours I had the blistery rash going down my neck and a few hours after that I had ulcers in my mouth. All followed by the few days of digestive agony, tiredness, and headaches. I…
I'm another one who had to find a different doctor. My endo said my numbers weren't bad enough for me to have any symptoms and was giving me a very low dose of Synthroid. New doctor is much more with the times and is treating me more based and my symptoms and not as much on the bloodwork.
For me it's worth it to track my food just to make sure I'm not gaining at all. I've done the synthroid then switch to Armour as well in the last couple of months. I'm hoping once I start feeling better I'll be able to workout more and be more motivated to eat well. Good luck and I hope they get your meds regulated soon!
My thyroid is enlarged. I had my first ultrasound about a month ago. My neck feels tender and swollen as well but I"m not having any breathing/swollowing problems. My doctor said my thyroid is enlarged due to white blood cells pooling in my thyroid from having hashimotos which is an autoimmune version of hypothyroidism. At…
I have gained a few pounds since going gluten free. My job and life seem to revolve around food and I was too bitter/mad that I couldn't eat what everyone else was so I was finding all the replacements that I could just so I wasn't feeling left out. Also within a couple months of going gluten free I started feeling really…
I am allergic to gluten and also have hashimoto's (hypothyroid). I found out about the celiac before my thyroid problem so I had been gluten free for several month prior to starting synthroid. Only been on synthroid for about 10 weeks now and still feeling pretty crummy. From my understanding the link is because your…
I need more friends as well, especially of the gluten free type. Found out I was allergic to gluten in June. Also found out I have Hashimoto's about 2 weeks ago. It's looking like I'm going to have to cut out the dairy as well because of reactions. I've really been having a hard time with it all so any support would be…
I'm another 100% gluten free not by choice but by necessity. When we moved a few months ago we decided to make the whole house gluten free to get rid of the concern of cross contamination. I even bought new pans and threw away anything that could have traces of gluten left on it. Even a little bit of gluten makes me really…