bme8956 Member


  • I too have kind of a busy lifestyle and keep odd hours as I own and operate a small pizza franchise. I like to eat about 5 smaller "meals" a day. first one being at about 1 am when I get home. If you did that then one of your "meals" could be when the kids go to bed. then you could indulge a little and not feel guilty…
  • About a year ago I had a problem with this. What you're describing is called a shin splint. Basically, the muscles and tendons in your lower leg are being strained. Untill you train for a while and build up some strength down there it will hurt a bit. GOOD NEWS! Some things that helped me: - Taping up this area to provide…
  • Totally agree! Enjoy the calories, but try not to obsess over them one way or the other. :smile:
  • I googled "calories burned by insanity" and one of the first sites on the list had a chart with this info. Now keep in mind all it said was "Male" or "Female". Didn't mention current weight of said person, heart rate, etc, so I would just use these numbers as a guide at best.
  • I do this as too and I am in the restaurant industry as well. I eat about 1/3 of my calories at about 1 am, and spread the rest out throughout the day. I'll sleep till late morning then have breakfast. workout comes between 1 and 2 pm followed by a shower and a weigh in! Then I relax untill my kids start coming home. I'll…