

  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    People need to understand that not eating enough calories in the day is going to make you gain weight as well! The number that it calculates for you is the number you want to try and hit. When you dont get enough calories your body goes into starvation mode and stores the fat.

    Incorrect. Sustained calorie deficit will constitute fatloss. Plain and Simple. Stop spread this myth. What you said is illogical and misguided. The body will not go into starvation mode so long as you have more than your base essential fat. Aka. You need to be below 2-4% body-fat to enter a starvation mode.

    Want examples?

    How about vegetable juice fasting where people barely consume 500 calories per-day but drop hundreds of pounds of fat.
    How about 3rd world countries where food is scarce. You don't see them packing on the fat.

    Want more information? Try google. Try your doctor.
  • Sheilav330
    Sheilav330 Posts: 57
    I try too...but the water drinking don't let me lol im too full to even have a bite..so i try my best is all i can do :)
  • AliceSwarthout
    AliceSwarthout Posts: 808 Member
    How do you get to the point where you are not hungry? Please give me your secret!

    Drink water! Lots of it. I've found that my entire life, what felt like hunger has often just been thirst. :) Even eating enough calories, I was always hungry. Hope it works for you too. It was an easy fix for me.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Just my opinion, but if starvation mode was real, we wouldnt have anorexia in the world.

    I agree that its not good for your body, but ´starvation mode´ for me its a big lie. Ive been eating under my 1200 calories these past days, guess what, im losing faster than before... 2.8 lbs in 4 days.

    Dont crucifix me, its just my opinion.
  • Allic1971
    Allic1971 Posts: 145 Member
    Well when I first started this weight loss journey, I did it all wrong I lost lost of weight in the first 6 weeks but then I ended up gaining and losing the same couple of pounds for 4 weeks.

    I deceided to take a break from exercise and try to reset the damage, I ate at or just above my BMR for a week to see if it would just break the cycle it did, but then I went and did a big work burnt 1009 calories in 1 day and the next day 899, I just could not eat all of them back and ended up being really under for the week....
    My body the next day went up by 1.1 pounds ( i weigh in every day, i am just obsessive) now I know that I hadn't eaten an extra 3500 calories to put a pound on, what I had done was undereaten by so much that my body wasn't letting go and was storing, so for the next 4 days I went back to eating at BMR and all exercise calories, this morning if finally let go of 2.5 pounds.. ( and that was a fat loss not lean muscle mass as my scales give me fat, water, bmi and bone density percentages)

    So I can see what the OP means.

    Try to NET your BMR + exercise calories, it does work :happy:
  • bdubois63
    bdubois63 Posts: 87 Member
    I think all the water helps fill you up!
  • Aquaduckie
    Aquaduckie Posts: 115
    Want examples?

    How about vegetable juice fasting where people barely consume 500 calories per-day but drop hundreds of pounds of fat.
    How about 3rd world countries where food is scarce. You don't see them packing on the fat.

    Want more information? Try google. Try your doctor.

    The example you chose of 3rd world countries is a poor one. Of course they are not storing fat... they don't have any fat to store. What starvation mode means is that your body will break down your muscle first to get its energy if it's not getting enough through the calories you consume. So essentially, you will lose weight, but it's muscle weight and not fat weight. People in 3rd world countries have lost their muscle and their fat stores and that is TRUE starvation. And as for those 500 calorie a day diets, who says it's all fat weight?
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Just my opinion, but if starvation mode was real, we wouldnt have anorexia in the world.

    I agree that its not good for your body, but ´starvation mode´ for me its a big lie. Ive been eating under my 1200 calories these past days, guess what, im losing faster than before... 2.8 lbs in 4 days.

    Dont crucifix me, its just my opinion.

    I ate 800-900 calories a day (unintentionally, this was before I started tracking here) for at least 6 months without losing anything (after having lost maybe 20 pounds or something like that). So, whether that's "starvation mode" or in the scientific world it's called something else, my body didn't want to let go of anything. And I was certainly not thin at the time.
  • Aquaduckie
    Aquaduckie Posts: 115
    Want examples?

    How about vegetable juice fasting where people barely consume 500 calories per-day but drop hundreds of pounds of fat.
    How about 3rd world countries where food is scarce. You don't see them packing on the fat.

    Want more information? Try google. Try your doctor.

    The example you chose of 3rd world countries is a poor one. Of course they are not storing fat... they don't have any fat to store. What starvation mode means is that your body will break down your muscle first to get its energy if it's not getting enough through the calories you consume. So essentially, you will lose weight, but it's muscle weight and not fat weight. People in 3rd world countries have lost their muscle and their fat stores and that is TRUE starvation. And as for those 500 calorie a day diets, who says it's all fat weight?

    The top part of this post was supposed to have been quoted, but I'm not sure why it didn't put it in the blue box. And it wouldn't let me edit or delete, so there it stands. Oh well.
  • bme8956
    bme8956 Posts: 6 Member
    Your body doesn't go into "starvation mode" in one day. If you're under a little one day it isn't going to do anything. Yea if you are consistently under 500+ calories maybe, but a 100-200 a day isn't going to make much of a difference. For most people that is the difference of maybe not weighing/measuring their food or not calculating exercise calories right. I'd be willing to bet that most of us underestimate how much we eat, even though we count our calories.

    Personally, I may be over one day and under the next. As long as I'm right around the number for the week is all I care about. It has been working for me.
    Totally agree! Enjoy the calories, but try not to obsess over them one way or the other. :smile:
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    No it won't. Unless you are less than 6% body fat and work out most of your waking hours a person will NEVER experience starvation mode. If you are under calories and not hungry then don't force yourself or eat a cupcake. That really defeats the purpose of eating healthy, learning portion control and listening to your body's signals to eat.

  • amculver1
    amculver1 Posts: 36 Member
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    How do you get to the point where you are not hungry? Please give me your secret!

    When I eat healthy and don't have "sugary crap" then I feel better more energy and am less hungry because your boby is getting what it needs.

    Wow I am eating healthy, have lost some weight, my body has me eating 3200 calories nowadays because it wants the fuel to sustain my workouts and daily activity... If you eat less over time your body will eventually get use to this and will adapt and cause you to not feel hungry but this will eventually stall your weight loss......

    This person is the one you all should be paying attention to. Obviously what he's doing works....
  • AshCakes88
    AshCakes88 Posts: 131 Member
    Sooo being 100- 200 calories under your goal is not going to put you into starvation mode. You would need to be consistently eating less than half of the calories that your body needs.

  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    Do people, like, not ever read any other posts in this entire forum, ever?
  • AmbyrJayde
    AmbyrJayde Posts: 257 Member
    Do people, like, not ever read any other posts in this entire forum, ever?
    Nope :P
    In reply to the topic
    Why would I hit them, what did they do to me?
  • Brechin89
    Brechin89 Posts: 92
    Want examples?

    How about vegetable juice fasting where people barely consume 500 calories per-day but drop hundreds of pounds of fat.
    How about 3rd world countries where food is scarce. You don't see them packing on the fat.

    Want more information? Try google. Try your doctor.

    The example you chose of 3rd world countries is a poor one. Of course they are not storing fat... they don't have any fat to store. What starvation mode means is that your body will break down your muscle first to get its energy if it's not getting enough through the calories you consume. So essentially, you will lose weight, but it's muscle weight and not fat weight. People in 3rd world countries have lost their muscle and their fat stores and that is TRUE starvation. And as for those 500 calorie a day diets, who says it's all fat weight?

    The top part of this post was supposed to have been quoted, but I'm not sure why it didn't put it in the blue box. And it wouldn't let me edit or delete, so there it stands. Oh well.

    Actually clobercow is right...

    I got this off of doctor discussion board... 20+ doctors say these "nutrionists and body builders/trainers are full of doodoo when it comes to giving someone advice about starvation mode. They tell you what ever they can because your uneducated in how the human body works so that they can target you for your money. In return you pay them for their time, they advice you on what to diet on and what activities to do. You get results and you automatically assume he was right...

    Subject : Jeff just double checking about starvation mode
    Carrol wrote :
    If someone were to eat less than 500 cal/day for an extended period as long as they are above 5% body fat there is no way they can ruin their metabolism correct?

    Jeff Wrote
    The 5% is not carved in stone but an estimate of essential fat for a man. A women is estimated to be about 2x that.

    The issue is, there is no "starvation mode."

    Starvation, yes.

    Starvation mode, no.

    Let's clarify.

    Starvation mode is often used by dieters to explain why they have not lost weight, are not losing weight, or why they have stopped losing weight. They say their body is holding on to the weight because they are eating too few calories and the body has gone into this starvation mode to conserve calories. The solution they give, is to eat more calories, to get the body out of starvation mode so they can resume losing weight.

    This is absolutely incorrect.

    Keeping everything else the same, you simple can not lose more weight by adding in more calories.

    Also, if someone was in the above scenario and the actually ate less, even much less, or even fasted, we all know they would start to lose weight. Yet, according to their reasoning behind the starvation mode, they should actually go further into this mode and not lose anymore weight at all.

    Now, if someone consistently consumes a low calorie intake, or is in a negative calorie balance, and gets to a point where they have used up all their reserves of essential fats, they will enter what is known as "starvation" and not "starvation mode". And, they must eat at this time or they will soon die. This is not a weight issue but a life and death issue. And, we know that if they do eat, they will gain weight, not lose weight, as hypothesized in the starvation mode theory.

    So, starvation mode does not exist. Starvation does and anyone can reach that point.

    In starvation mode, they say you must eat more than you are, so you will lose more weight, which is absolutely incorrect.

    In starvation, you must eat or you will die and you will gain weight as a result of eating.

    You can see how they have completely misrepresented the actual issue of starvation into their crazy theory of the starvation mode.
  • Brechin89
    Brechin89 Posts: 92
    Carroll wrote:
    Thanks, Jeff, I guess I really don't get it. When I was talking about starvation mode I meant what Ancel Keys noted with that experiment that the men's RMRs slowed by 40%, an amount that could not be accounted for solely by weight loss and lean body mass loss as well as heartrate and respiration slowed and body temp decreased. I thought your comments previously were that this was in response to the body being too low fat, rather than in response to too few calories, but now it seems you are saying this doesn't happen at all? So I'm confused...?

    I am not sure where you got the 40% from though I am not sure it is relevant. If you do have a reference for it, I would appreciate seeing it or a link to it.


    The issue we are all taking about does happen and it is called starvation (not starvation mode) and is dependent on body fat reserves. There is no one set number but in men it averages around 5% and in women about double that. When this happens and we approach this point, all kind of metabolic changes happen. But, it is not about losing weight or slowing weight loss, it is about life and death.

    Starvation mode, as thought of by dieters, does not happen.

    Now, RMR will and does decrease due to dieting but it decreases because of the concurrent decrease in body mass, food intake and decrease in energy output (as less mass puts out less energy in a given activity) etc. that accompanies dieting but they continue to lose weight.

    I posted the pics of the men in the Minnesota experiment. They looked like walking cadavers and holocaust victims. They do not in anyway look like a modern overweight, overfat American who is saying they are in starvation mode and not able to lose weight. These subjects from the MN experiment were not in starvation mode, they were starving.

    And, the most important issue is that they continued to lose weight throughout the experiment.

    So, how does that apply in anyway to anyone who is overweight, over fat and is not losing weight?

    No matter how low in caloric intake they went in the MN experiment and no matter what happened to their RMR, they continued to lose weight.

    Remember, there are only 2 known instances where the energy balance equation does not work... the first is free-living, self reporting humans (most often women), and second, their pets.

    In Health

    Conclusion... Starvation comes when your around 5% body fat... Your metabolism does not slow no matter how much weight you lose no matter how low of the calories you eat... Take it from a doctor not some guys on bodybuilding forums or trainers at the gym...
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Drink whole milk to help hit those macros!
    Milk it does!!!!!