

  • Well... I have read several articles on drinmking warm water and a half of lemon. Its said to kick start thermogenesis which is the process that ultimately burns fat. In addition, its a great detox for your liver. I have been starting my day with a cup of warm lemon water for the past 3 weeks in addition to making smarter…
  • All the way in!!!!! AWESOME START!
  • HAHAHA!I Thats exactly how I feel... Gimme the Cookie... the whole cookie.. nothing but the cookie... and point me in the direction of a treadmill. I just try to burn off whatever it is. :)
  • Right there with ya, I am huge people watcher. But Honestly, I dont notice if anyone is watchin me... or even notices. I'm an air head though.. Good Friends call me "scattered". :) -Camille
  • Wow you sound like me except I'm 27. Girl, Insanity is awesome! How is it working for you? I have it but Im not able to commit it to it like I should. I had to make adjustments and decided I would start insanity later down the road. How long have you been doing that? notice any changes? -Camille
  • Hello! My name is Camille... I'm a semi-newbie. I say semi because Ive had the App for a bit but didnt know there was a whole site equipt with message boards and MANY MANY calorie counters and diet trackers... and here I was at my house talking about this Cool App and everybody said I had gone mad. Well... I hope to make…