spr0ckit Member


  • D2 L2. I've started to notice some definition in my arms... Especially my shoulders! Just makes me want to keep going. =D
  • Just finished L1 Day 8. It gets a little bit easier to get through every day... Getting excited for L2!
  • L1D5... These bicycle crunches are kicking my *kitten*!
  • This cracked me up! I was just thinking about that today as I was punching the air. =D
  • L1 D3! The soreness is slowly getting a little better - or maybe I'm just getting used to it? During the workout itself it's not that bad, but afterward it's a killer. I've taken to using icy hot at night (I use it a lot when I've had a bad run), and that seems to help. Everyone's posts are so motivating. Thanks, all, for…
  • Just did Day 2 Level 1. My muscles are killing me. Having a great time though! This board is definitely helping my motivation.
  • Thank you! I'll definitely incorporate more stretching. I did day 1 this morning. Super hard! But I feel pretty energized. =)
  • Hi everyone! I think I'll be starting this tonight or tomorrow morning - but I'm pretty nervous! Should I just expect to be sore all the time for the next 30 days? Any advice for a first timer would be much appreciated. :happy:
  • I always feel self conscious when I work out! I've really had to force myself to tune out other people entirely. I find listening to headphones - either your favorite music or a podcast that you find really interesting - helps with that a lot. Also, try and focus on the positives. My cousin's husband has a very dry sense…
  • I'm 28, feel free to add me! I'm also a food lover. =)
  • San Francisco! =)
  • Hi, Erin! It looks like we're in the same boat. Please feel free to add me - I live in California, but I'm on here every day, and I have the same struggles with going to the gym. We can motivate each other!
  • Hi! I'm Ingrid, and my superpower is being able to have entire conversation comprised only of quotes. I also know all the words to "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins," as sung by Leonard Nimoy. =^..^=
  • Happy Belated Birthday! I'm pretty much brand new to this site, and I'd definitely like more friends as well - so please feel free to add me. I know one of my biggest challenges with losing weight in the past has been the lack of friends to commiserate with and celebrate with!