Goal: 30 Day Shred



  • snowflakeln99
    snowflakeln99 Posts: 54 Member
    Finished day 4 of level 1 earlier this afternoon. Less sore thankfully! Checked the scale-it ain't budgin'. Those measurements better be different come Monday!!!! :grumble:

    Level 1 day 1 done! Im super shaky I dont know if thats normal or if I should eat more before I workout

    If you really pushed yourself, your body is probably just tired. :) Drink a lot of water & take it easy. If your calorie allowance is still there, maybe grab a banana to help with soreness because believe me...it might be rough for the next 2ish days. :)
  • I finished D4 L1 last night, surprisingly (except for those darn lunges) it is getting easier! Keep pushing through everyone!
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Finished day 11 of level 2. I'm taking a full 2 weeks for this one. If you think lunges are bad wait until planks (level 2).
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I did Day 9 of Level 1 last night and did the first set of those straight lifts/side lunges with 5lb weights and the second set with 3 lb weights. I think I'm going to continue Level 1 until I can master both with 5 lb weights and keeping proper form. I can tell SOOOOO much difference in my endurance levels from Day 1 until now!
  • spr0ckit
    spr0ckit Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone! I think I'll be starting this tonight or tomorrow morning - but I'm pretty nervous! Should I just expect to be sore all the time for the next 30 days?

    Any advice for a first timer would be much appreciated. :happy:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hi everyone! I think I'll be starting this tonight or tomorrow morning - but I'm pretty nervous! Should I just expect to be sore all the time for the next 30 days?

    Any advice for a first timer would be much appreciated. :happy:

    I was really sore for the first three days or so and then it was just an occasional twinge. I feel that it helped me to walk at a moderate pace afterwards so that I didn't stiffen up quite so much. I would also stretch more than she does at the end of the workout. Good luck!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Anyone.following a meal plan ? And for soreness chocolate milk or bananas help reduce it
  • mandalynn1986
    mandalynn1986 Posts: 67 Member
    i'll be doing day 4 level one tonight... i had a rough calorie day today... stressful day at work and i allowed myself some not good for me (but delicious) treats.... so i'm a little saddened that i let that happen, but i will do 30ds tonight and hopefully that will make me feel better about things...

    keep up the great work everyone.
  • I get home from class this evening, I'll be on day 10 of level 1. I didn't measure until Day 6, but have lost 1.5 inches since then. :)

    Anyone who wants to add me, go for it. I'm planning on finishing this thing until the end! (and then it's c25k after that) :O I even got my boyfriend to do it too, and he's already at like 10% body fat... but I can defintely see his abs starting to poke through, and he's only on day 5 or so. That's motivation for me FOR SURE, so no way I'm giving up. :)

    I plan on taking a break day in between levels. Maybe. :bigsmile:
  • tz2187
    tz2187 Posts: 250 Member
    Level 1 Day 4 Done! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • wendyg311
    wendyg311 Posts: 239 Member
    I am going to check this out on You Tube tomorrow. I can't wait to see all of your before and after pictures

    Maybe I'll be back to join you. I'm also one those who doesn't finish what I've started..........then again......I'm
    also one of those who never starts in order to be able to finish...........procrastinator....
  • AngelaV75
    AngelaV75 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in. I've been trying to start it for a week, but just couldn't muster the energy. Seeing this post has finally motivated me enough to just go for it. I'm going to be so sore! Good luck everyone :)
  • mechelemc
    mechelemc Posts: 59 Member
    I'll be starting 30 day shred tomorrow. I need all the support I can get pls feel free to add me. I am a great cheerleader.
  • wendyg311
    wendyg311 Posts: 239 Member
    Well, well, well......I actually looked it up on you tube, moved the coffee table.….....and did it!!!! Ha, I plan to do it again tomorrow.
    Must be all the great inspiration here!
  • dalekhunter
    dalekhunter Posts: 31 Member
    I did Level One Day Two today, and also p90X3 - The Challenge because I ate way too much today. I'm not too hungry when I'm on my period but the few days after I am ravenous!
  • NatalieLJ
    NatalieLJ Posts: 158 Member
    I had to take a few days off due to being unwell so have got behind :(
    I was on level 1 day 5 I think but gonna start over today and work back up through February.
    Nice to see some more people ready to join in too :)
  • Tickateeboo
    Tickateeboo Posts: 132 Member
    I'm starting it today!
  • Hey Amanda! I'm Tamala (sounds like Pamela) and I definitely know how you feel. I got caught up with holiday travel and work and parenting and fell off for a bit. But today is a new day, a new month, and a new beginning for me to work towards my goal of being healthy and fit. Let's encourage and support each other!
  • mandalynn1986
    mandalynn1986 Posts: 67 Member
    i took off the last two days cause i was sore and didnt feel well, so today i get back into it. I excited to see so many people still commenting and joining our little group! its encouraging/motivating to stick with it :)

    stay strong everyone! we can do this!
  • spr0ckit
    spr0ckit Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you! I'll definitely incorporate more stretching. I did day 1 this morning. Super hard! But I feel pretty energized. =)