Goal: 30 Day Shred



  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    How do you log the 30 day shred for exercise on MFP?

    I've been logging it as Circuit Training - General
  • mandalynn1986
    mandalynn1986 Posts: 67 Member
    How do you log the 30 day shred for exercise on MFP?

    I've been logging it as Circuit Training - General

    Thats how i planned on logging it as well
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    i started the 30ds yesterday and it is exhausting! that with going to the gym 3 times a week i am hoping to see ab definition in 30 days! however, i also have bad habits when it comes to completing a series, im hoping that my increased strength from the 30ds will be motivation enough to continue! good luck with it and i hope it works for you!

    Hey we started the same day hope you stick around if you feeling discourage always come on here for support
  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    My hubby and I are starting it today. I started before but only did 3 days on level one. So I know what you mean by not staying committed. Let's be accountability buddies on this! I log everyday!
  • kat2475
    kat2475 Posts: 159 Member
    I will be starting 30 Day Shred on Wednesday. I have to have a cortisone injection in my hip tomorrow and will have to take it easy a day or 2. I will send you a friend request.
  • mandalynn1986
    mandalynn1986 Posts: 67 Member
    So my goal starting out is to aim for the 30 days straight. But i have a feeling it might end up being 5-6 days a week.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    some of us are doing the shred.. feel free to join us.. its a great group

  • I started 30ds (for about the third time!) 8 days ago. I've been doing level 1 or 2 everyday but had a 1 day break on Friday. My legs needed it!

    Today I tried level 3 and I am afraid I will not be able to get up the stairs tonight! Lol. Determined to keep on track and stick with it this time. I am turning 40 in two weeks. Eek! And have a girls trip to Mexico in March, so the pressure is on.

    Good luck everyone - it's great to help each other stay motivated and on track!
  • NatalieLJ
    NatalieLJ Posts: 158 Member
    Think today is Level 1 Day 5 for me (had 1 day off as didn't feel well, but did swim that day so didn't feel too guilty).
    Really enjoying it so far, although I am finding my willpower is tailing off a bit so I need to try keep determined to finish.
    Each day seems a little easier, apart from some of the abs exercises - me having never done a sit-up in my life!
    Hoping to lose a bit of belly flab, lose a few pounds/inches and just get a bit fitter in the first place. Might add in another of her abs-focused workouts in as well once I get a bit more comfortable/confident.
    Nice to hear so many others are doing 30DS too, I love reading about everyone's progress and sharing support :)
  • MommaChrissi
    MommaChrissi Posts: 10 Member
    My friend ans I are starting 30ds this week. I tried it once before but am out of shape and only made it 8 minutes into the first level before laying on my mat the rest of that level. And now that I have a good friend to do it with I want to make sure I dont give up! It will be hard for me to do but right now I want to lose about 30-40lbs so I can be a healthy weight. I've always had "tummy flab" and after having my son 2 years ago thats where all my weight goes! I need that gone as all shirts I wear show that belly flap now and I'm afraid people are gonna start thinking I'm pregnant again. Here's to commitment! We can all make it through this together
  • johngirl
    johngirl Posts: 65 Member
    I did day 5 of level 1. I have started and stopped several times but I'm determined to make it through this time.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    The only really hard exercise I did to get those results was 30day shred, I decided that I liked it so much I started squat challenge.

    Now I'm working on my arms, legs and thinking of doing 30day shred again before my holiday to get rid of the last 20-30lbs. So if there's a group I'm very keen to do some more 30day shred!!!

    Tank top arms = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUychjqfO8I
    Squat challenge = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGvzVjuY8SY
    30day shred level 1= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pc-NizMgg8

    We can do this!

    I have a group your welcome to join

    Group link :

  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    So my goal starting out is to aim for the 30 days straight. But i have a feeling it might end up being 5-6 days a week.

    Is 30 day shred really a month long post I read said to take rest days would that be 1 day a week or 1 day a month or varies depending on the person ?

    I will be starting a hybrid today already did 30ds today thinking abt adding ri30 or Zumba also my goal is to do 30 day shred take a rest after each level so days 11,22&32 I allowed myself a cheat meal 1x a week Sundays but I will probably cut that out
  • mandalynn1986
    mandalynn1986 Posts: 67 Member
    from what i understand the 30ds is dont 30 days straight, but you dont have to do so to see the results, some people do 5x's a week, some do 10days of each level with a day off inbetween each level. i think its alot of personal preferance......But i could be wrong... Lol i am definitely NOT the expert! :happy:
  • hey! I'll do it with you too! Start tomorrow bright and early. I did it a few months ago and really saw awesome results, the scale didn't move much but I became way more toned and lost inches, so I got smaller and looked way better.I think you should do it 6x a week. take one day off. Alight! I was thinking of starting tomorrow anyways. great!
  • I've started the 30DS a few times. I started again and I did day 2 last night. Here's to day 3 tonight! :) Good luck all!
  • mandalynn1986
    mandalynn1986 Posts: 67 Member
    I wish there was a "like" button in the the message board, i am so super excited to have so many people who will be doing this with me. and honestly it makes me feel less of a failure to know that so many others have failed to complete it...(is that horrible to say?) BUT this time we WILL do and we will do it together! yay! lol
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I'm in def looking forward to it
  • NatalieLJ
    NatalieLJ Posts: 158 Member
    It's tricky, because it's so hard to fit it in every day, but when I did take a day off I found it so much harder to complete the next day. Can't win lol!
  • mandalynn1986
    mandalynn1986 Posts: 67 Member
    i know right?!? i have decided that i am just going to have to wake up at 330am to do it so i find the time for it...otherwise i wont have the time and i'll start making the "excuses"