

  • dont drink slimming tea. it tasted horrible and it's actually a laxative that keeps you going to the loo
  • if you've grown your muscle you will need to watch what you're eating because with no workout those muscles will melt, you will lose pounds but it's muscle, not fat :(
  • okay thank you guys! i started being quite weak so i'm still considering whether i want to lift heavy. but this month i'll buy myself a pair of 10lbs dumbells to get me started <3
  • when i grow up - *****cat dolls. super sexy song! and i love fergie's songs e.g fergalicious, party people BEP songs such as boom boom pow is also nice and energetic my recommendation is that you should listen to a fast paced song that really energizes you up. hehe. but that's me.
  • i'm 18 y.o, turning 19 this year:smile: height: 5'3 weight 48-49 kg goal > i wanna get lean and toned! but its hard for me :( feel free to add me as friends guys ^^