

  • thank you for your replies, I am not going on the treadmill today as was concerned about making things worse. It's not hurting now, but its like after you have a cramp you can still feel where it happened and that the wrong movement could anger it and wake it up again! It's lovely to receive replies and not to be made to…
  • Hi Sarah, not always when I'm doing things by myself. When at karate, the instructor warms us up and we always do stretches for arms and legs at the end. But if I'm completely honest, I don't always do these when I leave the gym (my present activities are a dance class where stretches are done, the karate, gym twice a week…
  • thanks Susannah, my bod is having to get used to a lot more work lately, I will give the cold bath a try, the temptation is always to sink into a really hot bubbly one, which I know can exacerbate things so will give them a miss for awhile. I almost could laugh that the most hurt I've felt all week was from doing my hair!
  • great thread! I really struggle with proper push ups too, will definitely try some of the tips given here, thanks!:smile:
  • so pleased to see this thread, I am a very bottom heavy woman and as I am so short, I think it looks awful (only 5 foot tall). The weight I've lost so far has resulted in my dropping a cup size in my bra, where as I still retain wobbly thighs, a big butt and pot belly! I am hoping that over time when I'm nearer to my…
  • Hi ladies, glad I'm not alone here! I am 5 foot and currently weigh 150lbs. I'd like to get to 120 or a little less. Finding using the food diary on here helps me take more notice of what I'm eating. A question for the ladies that are already well on their way with their weight loss - I'm 35 years old and worried that as I…