Aches and pains advice please!

Hi all! I have since the beginning of year started a routine of exercising, including recently taking part in karate classes. I have discovered I have very tight hamstrings, probably due to my previous lack of activity! I ache (in a good way) most days, but following my most recent karate class on Monday, I have had aching in the backs of my thigh and butt. Again, I considered this good as I know I've worked them. Now today, I flipped my head upside down to tie up my hair and a pain shot through the back of my leg, behind my thigh - under my butt. I am supposed to go to the gym today - for bike and treadmill - I know you are not doctors, but should I take this as a warning that I've broken something??? or should I try and stretch it out and carry on?


  • Try a cold bath which reduces all the inflammation and the muscle pain
  • If exercise is new or suddenly increased the majority of pain is always DOMS, which is delayed onset muscle soreness and cold baths are brilliant for fixing. Any shooting pain left may indicate an injury and then you might need to seek advice
  • thanks Susannah, my bod is having to get used to a lot more work lately, I will give the cold bath a try, the temptation is always to sink into a really hot bubbly one, which I know can exacerbate things so will give them a miss for awhile.
    I almost could laugh that the most hurt I've felt all week was from doing my hair!
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    Are you stretching adequately and properly?
  • Hi Sarah, not always when I'm doing things by myself. When at karate, the instructor warms us up and we always do stretches for arms and legs at the end. But if I'm completely honest, I don't always do these when I leave the gym (my present activities are a dance class where stretches are done, the karate, gym twice a week and swimming once a week). I don't do stretches after swimming either. I think today has proved to me that I should be taking more care to do them more often (not just when someone else is telling me to do it before I can leave lol!)
  • emmalousmom1
    emmalousmom1 Posts: 121 Member
    I actually find a hot bath with epson salts helps after an exercise session, not sore the next day as compared to not having one:)
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Sounds like you might have strained your Piriformis muscle and it is pinching on your sciatica. I would recommend that you ice the area on your butt and rest (no high impact exercise) for a few days. I didn't listen to my body when it happened and it has gotten worse. I make sure to stretch my hamstring and am also strengthening my core to help. I could be completely wrong about your condition since I am not a doctor, but your symptoms sound like mine.
  • thank you for your replies, I am not going on the treadmill today as was concerned about making things worse. It's not hurting now, but its like after you have a cramp you can still feel where it happened and that the wrong movement could anger it and wake it up again! It's lovely to receive replies and not to be made to feel like a fool x
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    I highly recommend at least some stretching after any of your exercises.

    I stretch after I lift and after I run. Once you've been at it a might find that certain of your muscles are naturally tighter than others. For me...I have issues with tight hip flexors and tight hamstrings/glutes (especially with running) I always pay extra attention to those areas. If I don' always catches up with me. Like right now..... I haven't been paying that much attention to stretching my hip flexors after my lifting and now they are really tight and bothering me. So, I have to give that some extra attention for the next few days and then remember to keep on it.