

  • Actually, I am truely blessed with so many positive people. It is just me. I get in this mind set, and it just kills me sometimes. I really should come here more often. There is a wealth of support and knowledge. I need to remember that, as I know that it will help me faster than just trying to get through the days beating…
  • sometimes, like today. It is so intense, I just don't know what to do. Thanks ladies, I should have come here way earlier. I have found so much here helping me today. I should have just looked before I even posted this topic. Still struggling tonight. I hope to wake tomorrow feeling better. Thank you again.
  • That does look like a blast. I, too, am a walker right now. Hope to be running maybe in a few months or so. I just entered my first 5K walk for this Saturday. Pretty excited about it. Should take me about an hour. (I hope anyway)
  • I use what my treadmill tells me. If I walk outside, I use what MFP has, as I have no way to tell how many I burn. I try to go by how far I walk, and try to keep it at 2 or 3 miles, rather than the speed. Because I know I burn about 400 calories walking 3 miles according to my treadmill. can not remember how many is two…
  • feel free to add me. 5'3" 213 now. In Jan. 232. Started here at 224 lbs in March sometime. Love it!!! And welcome.
  • feel free to add me. I started in Jan at 232. Last weigh in was 216.6. Did not join MFP till sometime in March. It sure makes a difference. Welcome and enjoy your stay. :)
  • Hello everyone. My name is Denise and I walk with Nyx ( my border collie. She is 9) usually. Sometimes I bring my daughters dog, Rizzo, ( an 12 year old Jack Russel Terrier. ) I also have another Border Collie, but he is very strong and does not care much for other dogs. So, I am trying to get my dear husband to walk him.…
  • Oh, and good luck today!!
  • I would suggest to do a little research on the company, and always be prepared to ask a question. They usually ask, Do you have any questions. You will have one. And if you know about the company, you can give answers that are geared toward them. Does that make any sense?
  • I will be happy to help!!! sending you a request now.
  • I would like to add you all, I am on my second week and love it. I too have asked friends and family to join. But don't feel I am they are really interested and supportive.
  • I a new here. Would love some friends!! I am 48 years old. Weighed in at 224, and my goal weight is160. I am 5'4". Still figuring out the website. You both can add me if you like. Oh, I am also in it for a life change. I just wish I would have started a long time ago.