Friends Needed!

My name is Amanda I am 23 years old and I am looking for friends that I can help motivate and support and vice-versa! I am 318lbs and I have over 100lbs to loose. I am in this long term and I would love to have friends with the same commitment (long term for life)! Please feel free to add me or message me with questions!

Thanks Everyone!
Amanda Peavley


  • Behl9
    Behl9 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Amanda!! I am with you on a lifetime change and the more friends and motivation the merrier! Sending a friend request your way :)
  • dhconsford
    I a new here. Would love some friends!! I am 48 years old. Weighed in at 224, and my goal weight is160. I am 5'4". Still figuring out the website. You both can add me if you like.

    Oh, I am also in it for a life change. I just wish I would have started a long time ago.