DianaFaith1 Member


  • I wouldn't suggest a smoothie prior to a workout. Too much food in the stomach. Eat something lite. I generally eat some protein within an hour after my workout. Like a cup of plain Fage 0% yogurt. I drink a smoothie with protein powder if I have not gotten enough protein during the day. My smoothies consist of frozen…
  • Suggest getting your blood work done. Have them run all of the usual tests including a thyroid and A1c glucose test.
  • I weigh every morning around 6:00-6:30 a.m. wearing exactly the same thing and before drinking any coffee or water. I'm on my third scale (the newest one is very accurate). But, in my opinion the scale keeps me real honest...So, before I put anything in my mouth that could do damage, I think about that morning weigh-in. It…
  • Only you can pull your self up by the bootstraps. If you go down the tubes, how can you help motivate and truly support the ones you care for and love the most. It's up to you to get off of your downward self destruct spiral and get a grip. If you go down in a firey blaze, who's next? Think about it...And for G-d's sake…