Feeling sorry for myself....



  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    This is the time when you have to be the strongest. You have enough problems thrown at you right now, don't let weight or health be one of them. Those you can have control over! I often call my weight loss an economic move. I think about every food purchase about whether it is healthful and necessary. It saves a lot or money. Regrouping can be a good time for transitions and seeing new opportunities. I hope your situation resolves for the better soon! Sometimes life is about being a strong soldier for yourself and the ones you love.
  • sirdars
    sirdars Posts: 5 Member
    Hi have you thought about writing down how you feel putting your thoughts and worries down on paper seems to clear your head which may then help you to think more positively and then you might be able to get yourself back on track to eat a bit more healthily and want to excersise hope this helps and good luck.
  • mseketa
    mseketa Posts: 3 Member
    I'm going to quote your profile at you:

    "I have two children, both boys, age 21 and 14, and obviously neither is married or have children, and I want to be around to see that."

    You're going through a really tough spot in your life. No doubt about it. But that doesn't change your real motivation. You don't just want to be around for your kids but you want to be around and active in seeing their lives unfold. No life goes with out struggles be they fiscal, health or some other thing. For some reason these things all come at once for most of us at some point.

    So there's no feeling sorry for yourself, there's only knowing that this is but a moment that you'll get past. Eating healthy and exercising is a way of making yourself feel good. I remember a leader at a Weight Watchers meeting once saying "Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels" and that's so true about your life. Nothing tastes as good as the stress relief that comes from being a healthy you should feel. There are no quick fixes to the real problems of life there's only hard work. So take the time to feel bad and then you've got to think long term. How much better is going to be when you're past these problems and you're not having to start over on a journey to a healthier you?
  • FierceFox81
    I like to go for long runs, or take do a boot camp class. I can let all that anger out and get a good workout. Plus then I'm tired so I sleep good.

    Hope stuff starts turning around for you and your family.
  • Carovnik
    Grief and stress can be very difficult to deal with, but like others have suggested, find something that you can use to help you focus your emotions in a more positive way - it doesn't matter if it's as simple looking at your life and reminding yourself of your goals and the good things that are still around you, finding something you can control and reasserting your control over it, or keeping yourself active.

    Another thing that might help is talking to someone you can trust about how you are feeling.

    It sounds trite, but things will get better. It will just take time.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    Go run until you can't. Endorphins make you feel good, and you'll be more tired. :) We all live a storm or two. I am in the same place.

    Pretty much this. I used to run everyday and I am in the same storm. It sucks! Run til you can't breathe and pick up from there. I'm feeling this way right now and I plan on taking a run at some point. Good luck!
  • sujenwujen
    sujenwujen Posts: 43 Member

    Even if it's just taking a short walk around the neighborhood. When you exercise, you will sleep better. When you sleep better & excercise, you won't be as likely to snack on junk food. Your body will crave protein more than sugary snacks.

    It's hard to keep up your exercise when you're feeling overwhelmed. I do BootCamp in the mornings so I can get it over with & not have it hanging over my head the rest of the day. But I know that doesn't work for everyone. And all those people telling you to run -- if you're not a runner, running sucks! I do it, but I hate it, and it's the LAST thing I'll do.

    But it's usually pretty do-able to make time for a pre-dinner or post-dinner walk around the neighborhood.
  • kareinlib
    Eating badly will only make you sleep worse. I suggest exercising when you feel bad instead! It releases endorphins and makes you feel better - whenever I feel awful I exercise and come out of it feeling much better.

    I also went through a bad time last year, and found that eating healthier was what I wanted to do instead of overeating - I know that it's kindof the go-to to eat bad foods when you feel bad, but sometimes when life seems out of control, it's nice to at least have control over your diet. At least that's the way I saw it.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    Thanks everyone for the overwhelming responses! I am crying as I read your posts just knowing people understand. I had a good day today so far, have eaten very healthy, and took my 17 minute walk. Thanks again for all the advice. Helps just knowing people care. Hugs.
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    The end of my pity party starts with exercise - anything that I feel like doing, get some enjoyment from and that gets me moving, that in turn gives me the motivation to watch what I eat, helps with the sleep and generally gets me feeling better!

    We all live in a **** show from time to time and it isn't always easy to get back/stay on track especially if we put extra pressure on ourselves to get back on track!

    It is the baby steps that make the biggest difference, like everything else small managable goals boost your moral alot quicker and keep you motivated longer than big goals! Good luck :wink:
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    When you're born you're given one thing, life, and you still have that. Anything else is just a bonus... =]
  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    You are stronger than any ****-storm out there. Seriously.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Prayers for the end of the problems for you. The best advice I have to offer is--find another way to distract yourself...a brisk walk, take up knitting (or anything else that you can't do while eating) etc. It is so tempting to fall back onto our old comforter--food. Good luck with all of it.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    Honestly eating bad stuff and not working out will only make you feel worse and have less energy. You need all the strength you can get right now to deal with this. Things will get better! The pain of grief will lessen with time and your husband and son can find other jobs. You will get through it!!! Just remember to stay strong and focused.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I really know how you feel. Things have not been going well for me right now either. Running is great but I am waiting on some new shoes. My really good friend is having brain surgery tomorrow. If you are anything like me you need to feel the sadness before you move on. Then make a plan :). Good luck. Happy feeling. Things always get better in the long run, you just have to have faith and learn from all your experiences positive and negative. It makes us better and more compassionate people. xxxxoooo
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    Just do it. -Nike:wink:
  • DianaFaith1
    DianaFaith1 Posts: 4 Member
    Only you can pull your self up by the bootstraps. If you go down the tubes, how can you help motivate and truly support the ones you care for and love the most. It's up to you to get off of your downward self destruct spiral and get a grip. If you go down in a firey blaze, who's next? Think about it...And for G-d's sake eat something that doesn't suck your energy dry...
  • peles_fire
    Moments like these are when eating well and exercising are most important. They will literally help you out of the slump faster. If you continue to make poor diet choices and not exercise daily (not sure from your post if you do or not) you will prolong the suffering. Get out there and move your body and eat some healthy nourishing food. The chemical reactions these two things produce in your body will help you more than any ice cream can. good luck!

    ETA: I am sorry you are experiencing such a rough patch in your life. There is just no easy way to get through rough times like those and I wish you and your family the best in getting beyond these difficulties and moving on to better times. :)
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Recently my family and I have been through a lot. A real *kitten* storm. Between deaths in the family, my husband and son BOTH losing their jobs, I am just beside myself. I am surprisingly not going overboard, persay, just eating the wrong things, and not dedicating myself to exercise. I'm tired, not sleeping well, the whole bit. I go two days without much sleep (3-5 hours) then I will sleep almost 10-11 hours another night. I just feel angry, and all I want to do is eat ice cream, chocolate, and potato chips to dull all the crap. I have probably gained only 2 lbs, which I consider a blessing, but am afraid I might be falling into old bad patterns. Any advice on ending my pity party and getting back on track?

    Stock the house with only healthy foods. Keep all the crap out. Have a treat once in awhile but go out to get it and don't keep it around. You have a lot of stress, it's hard to take on too much when you are under stress. Maybe just pick one habit to change and get it to stick before you tackle another. It can get too overwhelming.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    put on some great dance music and clean your house..... cleaning and orgainising is a cleanse in and of itself.... the exercise will release all those endorphins and make you feel good... and you will sit back at the end of the day and see what you have accomplished and feel even better..... take control of what you CAN control.... and the rest will fall into place :)