

  • 10-12 hrs, around 20 miles. I just got an email that they are coming out with the GoRuck Lite this year. The only do half that, around 7 miles, and 5 hours. The schedule is already up for this year and the locations for next year. Looks badass. Eventually, but you gottado lots of PT training. Pushups, burpees, and the like.
  • Thought it was booked up for volunteers. my team and I are doing Tough Mudder in Feb at the same location. We did Spartan Sprint in Malibu in Dec. That was fun, except for the rain.
  • Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, or any other mudrun/ obstacle course race near you. Most are great. I enjoyed the two I mentioned. Plus I search online deal sites, and buy 1 month at a time coupons for gyms, like boxing and BJJ. I did find a full time boxing gym by my house that I go to now, which I really like. Cardio Boxing…
  • I have a buddy that is a runner, and over 2 years ago when I quit smoking, he signed me up for a trail run. It was intimidating, and hard, but I got so much out of it. After that, I signed up for a themed obstacle mudrun with my lady and some friends. We had a blast. Then I found out about Tough Mudder, a 12 mile obstacle…
  • Also, Youtube. And, Barnes and Noble. Especially the ones that have a Starbucks in them. I have gone to book stores and sat down with some books and taken notes on my phone about routines, and watched videos from trainers online trying to establish themselves, or give some away for free to get you to buy the rest of their…
  • Good job setting that up. I claimed an offer for a month of boxing cardio classes at a gym by my house. I got taught the basics of throwing punches and moving, learning to love/hate the jump rope, and get some great workouts in. Normally $50 to $150 a month for regular training from a place like that, I found my deal at…