miKACKsh Member


  • i also use this app .. i love it ! you can track a bunch of different things as well you can input your own manually ... it would be even better if it updated to MFP the same way it does to FB
  • anna nicole smith when she was chubby .. i hear it all the time
  • KACK is a nickname i got when i was 18 and it has stuck with me ... and mi____sh is just mish seperated .. my actual name is michelle
  • i just got mine in the mail and i am excited to get started. the only thing that is stopping me from starting it is that i thought i could watch it on the computer but i cant *mad face*
  • OMG no one said steamed milk ... i LOVE starbucks steamed milk. i always order a non fat steamed milk with half no sugar vanilla syrup. EXCELLENT beverage. i also really love the protein snack pack ...
  • i suggest THROW YOUR SCALE AWAY!! the scale is your worst enemy. not only does muscle weigh more, but when the scale doesnt budge look what it does to us !?!? we go nuts, obsessed over a number that haunts us all day and night. we live, eat, breathe our weight. just let the number go ... keep doing what you are doing. i…
  • One of my favs, i switch out the vegetable broth for boiling water though. i dont like how much salt is in the broth.. Ingredients for 4 Servings 2-3 flowers broccoli 1 small avocado 1 yellow onion 1 green or red pepper 1 celery stalk 2 cups vegetable broth (yeast-free) Celtic Sea Salt to taste Some cumin, basil, fresh…
  • i guess it all depends on what you want to do in your shoes. i bought a pair of nikes that i use for both cardio and for yoga. i also made sure that they havea good arch and a think sole. i think i paid around 100$ for them, but you will have to find a pair for your specific foot type and exercise
  • i 100% believe that you will see a difference in your symptoms. just doing a 10 day juice reboot i noticed a huge difference in mine. mind you i also went online and reserched which foods aggravate my sysptoms as well. keep in mind that this is not a life long diet plan but the more you stick to a raw food lifestyle the…
  • i suffer from a skin condition Psoriasis, which is an auto-immune disease where i get i get dry, itchy, flaky patches of skin all over my body. About 6 months ago i cut red meat out of my diet and noticed a change in my skin. i began to realize that my doctor had been right about "you are what you eat" ... i visited my…