

  • Ill join you. Have 10 pounds to go. Have not been exercising , just limiting intake to 1200 day. Had regained 20 lbs. previously lost , but used Lent to start up again, Lost 10 but another 10 is not feasible by Easter.May is more realistic. Good job!
  • looks delish! any idea how many calories per serving,and serving size? Thanks
  • I gave up making food my God, and began allowing the Holy Spirit to help me make food a tool to create a healthy body. I also gave up FaceBook. It sucked up too much time , it is now better spent with family and friends Blessings ion your Lenten journey. hugs June
  • Yes you! -the fact that you are here, struggling with the rest of us proves that you want what we want- a healthy body and sense of well being. Hang in there , you are on a journey, but not alone.keep going!
    in Not me Comment by junekucks March 2013
  • Since I had to go on Prednisone for Flu, been eating as if preparing for hibernation. Gave up FaceBook, which sucked up so much of my spare time and now tracking my food intake to change my pattern .Blessings on everyone's journey to better health.
  • Being at your desired weight does not guarantee you will not happen embarrassing moments in your life. It is good you can laugh at yourself and not take it all too seriously. Sometimes we worry what people will think of us , when usually people are too absorbed in themselves to even think about us in any serious way. Enjoy…
  • I have thyroid issues also. My Dr told me it would be very difficult to lose weight because of it, so I didn't try for a long time. I gained a lot of weight and always looked bloated. Avoiding white bread, white sugar and adding extra Vitamin D helped a lot. Walking really jump started my resolve to keep at it. I went from…
  • My temptations are carbs of all kinds. When tempted , I try to look up how many calories etc in what I want. That sometimes delays the actually eating and almost 50% of the time I will choose a healthier snack. I keep saying" I will not drink my calories and being a healthy slender tastes better than anything i can put in…
  • Hi and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I find that eating an apple about 30 minutes before your meal will help. And include among your table grace " Holy Spirit , help me make food my servant instead of my god today.. Thank you., Amen" It really helps. Blessings, June
  • Oh Yes, Ariel, and afterwards I wondered "Who was that mad woman who possessed my body and did those things?." We need to cut ourselves a bit of slack and forgive ourselves for being less than perfect we think we should be. We are on the great journey and some days we just cant avoid the " fresh tar" on the road. You are…
  • Women have the same problem. You learned a valuable lesson and I'm sure it won't happen to you again. Good Work hiking!
  • Welcome, This is the best tool for taking charge of your health. A Healthy weight is the foundation for a healthy life.
  • Yes, I use Skype to keep in touch with friends all over. Last week got to visit my best friend's daughter and family in Odessa, Russia. They are missionaries and have 5 young children. Skype is a blessing for seniors on a fixed income and you get to see them close up in real time.
  • Back on Track after 2 trips out of state and family visitors. Not easy finding menu items that are really healthy on the road. Have lost 30 lbs ( this 3 weeks put me back about 4 lbs) , Just starting exercise , but with emphysema and asthma any fast routines leave me breathless. Any suggestions for this 72 yr old woman?…
  • Back on Track after 2 trips out of state and family visitors. Not easy finding menu items that are really healthy on the road. Have lost 30 lbs ( this 3 weeks put me back about 4 lbs) , Just starting exercise , but with emphysema and asthma any fast routines leave me breathless. Any suggestions for this 72 yr old woman?…
  • congratulations on your progress. Kids are wonderful motivators. You have to get up and move just to keep chaos from becoming the master of your day.
  • I blew it all this week. Went to Tennessee for Music Festival and ate like food would be outlawed in the morning Daughter here for visit, got off my exercise and food schedule. Now it's a struggle to get back to it .
  • A buffet can be tempting to overdo. Just a little dab of a lot of items adds up fast. Select salad and veggies first, then fruit. Make sure if there is something that you really , really like , have a bite or two to satisfy that want. Slow down speed eating and try to breathe deeply between bites. We have to live in the…
  • Have never tried Red Bull, am leery of those over hyped super drinks. Nothing beats water for thirst. At night I heat a cup of water to have a change of pace. Warm water in am goes down better than cold for me also. Keep on track you will do fine.
  • Finally a break in the heat, and Scruff and I making up for lost days of serious walking ( me) and bush sniffing and piddling ( Scruffy). Made my August goals, and looking forward to being able to wear my wedding dress Nov 27 for our 28th anniversary. Another 15 lbs should do it. Thanks for all the encouragement from the…
  • Hello From southern Michigan. I am new to MFP also. Have lost 25lbs and have 15 to go. Journaling has worked best for me, and just knowing there is a place to register exercise has inspired me to start walking and going to exercise class just to be able to put something in the exercise column You have done a remarkable job…
  • New to MFP, lost 23 lbs by journaling and weighing my food. I am startled at how much food I actually ate and how much less food can be satisfying when I decided to make food my servant instead of my god and now watch all statements about food when talking to others. I was programming my brain with negative thoughts. MFP…
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