Im from staffordshire....feel free to add me anyone :)
A new wardrobe, but thats also a neccesity as none of my clothes will fit. Im also going to a little shopping spree in la senza, and book a romantic weekend away for just me and my boyfriend. Im so self concious at the moment, I feel it has an effect on our, erm...."bedroom activities" lol, as I want to be under the cover…
thanks, i do need to drink more!
not really that i can think of but i will try having a banana around that time tomorow
Holistic and Beauty Therapist
I have 117, I just keep thinking "wow, how did it get this bad!" Im only 25, and have 2 children which keep my on my toes, so I guess its kind of crept up on me. I never really lost the weight properly after each pregnancy and have put even more on. I know its not going to fall off over night but Iv spent my whole life…