l_stanz Member


  • You guys ROCK. Thanks so much for all the suggestions - I'm excited to try out some new strategies and figure out what works. I really appreciate it! :)
  • Thanks so much! I posted this partly because I wasn't even sure if it was okay/a good idea to run longer distances fasted (say what you will, but 7 miles feels plenty long to me! :smile: ). I'm going to experiment to see what works best for me (and see if I can get back on track) but it's reassuring to know that not…
  • Well, my average pace is like 10:30/mile so I don't think it's a speed issue! :) But you're probably right about the carbs - I don't avoid them but I definitely don't usually have them before my run. They're usually part of my meals later in the day, so I'll have to find something that works in the morning. Thanks!
  • I am SO glad to hear I'm not alone! Every time I read about 7 miles being a "short" run, I die inside! LOL. I'm glad the advice in this thread has helped you too - these folks are awesome!
  • Thanks! I've been taking advantage of the fact that a lot of people have their sprinklers on when I go running, LOL. I mean, I'm not running through their yard but I definitely don't avoid the spray on the sidewalk!
  • Thank you all SO much for the feedback. I guess I need to look at my overall diet. I thought I was doing okay but I obviously need to reassess. I really appreciate all the help and suggestions!
  • Thanks! I can't even IMAGINE doing a half in 1:45 - I'm just hoping not to puke, cry, or die during the race! I wanted to experiment with the chews now, well in advance of the run. I think I have a bit of a mental block about taking them, b/c I've heard so many horror stories. I take half of one and immediately start…
  • I suspect that the weather may be the bigger culprit than my fueling, now that everyone mentions it :) I'm a delicate flower - anything over 70 degrees and I feel zapped of energy. And the last few runs have been in 80+ with over 85% humidity. Maybe I need to accept that Mother Nature has it in for me ;) I lift heavy 3x a…
  • Nuts didn't occur to me (b/c I'm not a huge fan of them, LOL) but that might work. I've done half a banana in the past but that feels like lead. Thanks for the suggestion. I don't feel like I need the chews at 7 miles but I wanted to try them out early, instead of waiting until too close to the race (so I could get a sense…
  • And don't know if it's relevant, but I also lift heavy 3x a week (though I'll be dialing back legs as I get closer to the half). I prefer lifting but agreed to do the half with a family member. I like running well enough but I'm not doing it for any weight loss goals.
  • I don't really track my intake. I'm not looking to lose any weight. I'm 35, female, 5'8", between 140-145. My weight is pretty consistent, so I assume I'm eating at maintenance.
  • Thanks so much! I'm relieved to know I didn't completely mess up my first day! :)