Ink_girl85 Member


  • I have a lot of pain in my back as well, and I walk alot but i bought a Bally's ball and I lay on it on my back and do leg lifts, and it's great for your legs but you also feel it in the bottom of your stomach. So if you're feeling the burn there it has to be good for burning fat. The ball really helps, sometimes I just…
  • Turn on some music and just start moving! You dont have to do typical exercises to get results. Just put on your favorite music to dance to or anything with a good beat and just dance around the living room, do it while you're cooking dinner or any time you're just standing around. It helps.
  • I was always told to do the same thing by my mother. Be sure to eat good before you go so you can just have a salad and not look like a hog. It always made me feel so disgusting. My eating habbits in front of other people are so compulsive. I worry about how fast im chewing, how much is on my fork, are they staring at me,…
  • Seems like everyone has the same problem LATE NIGHT SNACKING!!! Well you're not alone I am so bad at that. It's like as soon as I got to bed and turn on the t.v I'm wishing I had a bowl of chicken ramen noodles or a massive bag of chips. I guess it's also a boredom thing too, If I'm bored I automatically check the fridge!…
  • I cant honestly ever remember a time when I did not over eat or eat to calm and comfort myself. I'm 26 now and at my heaviest weight ever and totally disgusted with myself. A few years back I was having a talk with my mom and I asked her " why am I like this" She eventually told me about how my grandmother used to force…
  • I think this group is great. I've always admired the way the earlier pin up girls looked. I dont ever want to be rail thin and coming from someone who's 300 pounds right now, I dont think thats ever going to happen. I would like to have a slimmer yet fuller figure. I have the curves in all the right places I just need to…
  • Hey everyone. My name's Jen and I'm 26. This is my first day on MFP also my first day towards getting healthy and finally losing this weight. As hard as it is to say out loud ( or type) I am currently 308 pounds. This is the heaviest I have ever been. My goal weight is 150. I would really like to meet some other people on…