

  • <HUGS> Becca :flowerforyou:
  • Well I cannot find the books, and I cannot find it on the internet anywhere. I must have missread it,I am truely sorry for passing on false information, it was unintensional. Though I have to admit, it did help me stay away from sweets so I am glad I misread it, but I will not pass it on anymore.
  • I wasn't talking about the protien you eat, I was refering to muscle in your body. I was shocked when I read it too, but I will go back and double check it.
  • Hi, and welcome to the website. I am new too, and my husband is in the Army (Ft. Wainwright). We have two girls ages 13 and 10 and I am currently going back to school. You can do it and this is a great place for support. Anyone else - Please feel free to add me as a friend, I too could use them, Thanks! Tina
  • The only thing I can think of that hasn't already been mentioned is changing the seat height, to change the angle of the pressure a little bit. I know when the seat is to high for me I end up sore faster.
  • Hello eveyone, and great posts. I have not elliminated my junk sugar intake completely , but I have greatly decreased it. The thing that did it for me was finding out that sugar breaks down protien. The less muscle mass you have, the less calories you need and/or can eat( Idiots Guide to Nutrition,and Wielders Nutrition…
  • Try just going to the gym without any expectations of working out...I know this sounds silly. It's okay to go to the gym and not work out, getting there is half the battle. You might be pleasent ly surprised that once you get there the environment will help motivate you. <hugs> and good luck.
  • I didn't know you could use it to gain weight... I don't have an answer, but I'm very intrested in knowing how well that works also. I want to improve strength in my arms and lose fat in other areas. I don't actually care what my weight is...I just want to be firm and strong.
  • One thing you could try to save time while on th eP90X diet is to make your sauces ahead of time, and freeze them in ice cube trays. Defrost the portions needed for a couple minutes in the microwave and you turn a 30-45 minute meal prep into 15 minutes.
  • Thanks jlcanon, that's good advice, I will try to keep that in mind when I'm out and about.
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