eelary Member


  • Also I get to eat super healthy and tasty like this every night so it’s not so bad! lean Turkey burger covered in summer veggies with basil and mini fresh mozzarella balls. YUM!
  • Same here! my goal is 80-100. Would love to be co-cheerleaders with all of you! Add me! 💗👏🏼
  • @MzHyde1334 I feel you on this 100%! I have tried and failed so often that I basically gave up for the last 5 years and ballooned. I think the biggest key is the mental and emotional kindness you give yourself. Someone recently gave me a mantra - Stop. Think. Decide. Once you’ve made your decision to eat something healthy…
    in 110 to lose Comment by eelary July 2023
  • Would be happy to be MFP buddies! Congrats on your amazing loss!!!!
  • Thanks! We started this exactly as was mentioned - to kickstart weight loss and to encourage healthy choices. We’ve been slowly attempting to do this without a program and we just weren’t doing it. I’m fully aware that this is not forever and they actually have a transitional plan to return to just healthy eating once…
  • Thank you SO SO SO much for all of your kind words and support!!!! I am overwhelmed with how positive and helpful all of you are. I think I have found the right place! :) The last 24 hours have had some bumps (just mostly getting my brain to follow what my heart is set on), but with every meal I am committing to this…
  • Starting Weight: 235 Goal: 225 This is my first day and I want to jumpstart!