Day 1 and a little nervous! 31/Female/WI



  • LadyElby
    LadyElby Posts: 151 Member
    A few things that've helped me avoid failure this time around:

    Don't set unrealistic goals, especially no "lose 20 pounds by next month" type goals. There are way too many factors out of my control and I refuse to set myself up for failure.

    NO deprivation. Everytime I've ever tried to say "no carbs" or "no pizza" or "no sweets", that's all I want and it drives me nutty when I CAN'T have something. Of course there are some things I can't keep in my house (because I will eat that whole pint of Ben & Jerry's in one setting and that's just not healthy) but for the most part it's everything in moderation. Still have pizza once per week and chocolate a few times a week and I'm happy.

    Baby steps. Don't clean out all your cupboards and expect to pack healthy lunches and workout 5 days per week for an hour right away. This week, just get used to tracking again. Next week, try to hit your calorie goal at least 3 days. Week 3, hit your calorie goal at least 5 days. Week 4, start workout out. Week 5, eat more fruits and veggies. Week 6, work on drinking all your water. Etc Etc

    Take body measurements. There are many times when the scale will stall on you but your body is still shedding fat. So you may only lose 5 pounds in a couple months time but all of a sudden all your jeans are falling off you. Inches are just as important as pounds.

    Track your sodium. It's amazing how much a few high sodium food days can throw you off.

    Every time you make a change, ask yourself if this is something you can do for the rest of your life. Can you go without pototes for the rest of your life? Maybe. Can you workout 7 days a week for the rest of your life? Not likely.

    Best of luck to you!

    Great tips! Thank you so much for posting!

    I'm so with you on all the feelings and emotions you're going through right now! That's the motivation you need to push yourself toward change. I'll be sending you a friend request as well. Good Luck!
  • Diana59
    Diana59 Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats on making the desision. It's amazing what we tell ourselves in order to lose weight. I've told myself forever I could do it on my own. I finally came to the realization that I could NOT do it on my own! The food part is important but we have to be mentally ready for it as well. I decided it was time! I went to a nutritionist who looked a my blood work and what I was eating to determine the foods that would work and those that wouldn't work. Weight Watchers is good but a nutritionist is even better. But not one that's only interested is selling you a specific weight lost program. So find that out before you go, if you go that route. It was suggested that I get a book called "The-Beck-Diet-Solution-Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person" By Judith Beck, which was the best book I've ever read. Go get this book! It will help you on your journey. You are not going to "lose weight". Losing something insinuates you lost something and want it back! You are going to "Remove" the weight! I have sofar Removed 70 lbs and have 45 more to go. Get some business size cards and write on them all the "Advantages" of removing weight!. Then read thru them daily or when you want to put something in your mouth. Some of my 'advantages" were "I'll be happier on stepping on the scales" (the scale has become my friend each week I see it go down), "My back & knees won't hurt so much" (neither one hurts anymore), I'll look so much better (I'm down 4 sizes), "I want to hav fun being active" (I'm heading to an amusement park for the 1st time in years)(and I'm having fun doing Zumba classes). Also start yourself another set of card that are Diet Response Cards. For every excuse you tell yourself, find a positive response to it. Exp. " I dont want to waist (pun intended) food by throwing it out! - Response - If I don't throw it out, I'll be at risk for "waisting" it in my body, where it will turn to fat. Which is a better way to waste it? THROW IT OUT OR GIVE IT AWAY!".
    My personal motto has become "Is this choice I'm about to make bringing me closer to my goal or taking me further from it?"
    YOU CAN DO THIS! You've gotten a lot of good advise on the diet, so this is the mental part that is just as important or you won't keep going! Start walking, even if it's only 15 minutes. Then just keep bumping it up to at least 30 minutes!
    Remember, Biggest Losers motto this season is "No Excuses"!
    Good Luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Hello! I'm 34 and from WI as well! Feel free to friend me and we'll take on this journey together!!
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 201 Member
    You have came to the right place! You will be surprised how strong you can be! Control your life and don't let food control you! You can do it!! Baby steps if you need to and before you know it you will be a success story!
  • You can totally do this! This is just step 1 in the many positive steps you will take moving forward! I live in MN, so we are nearly neighbors LOL Feel free to friend me and chat anytime! I'm always looking for a positive influence as well and we all need support :) Congrats on that first step!
  • mandee67
    mandee67 Posts: 1 Member
    Inch by inch life's a cinch...yard by yard life is hard. You can do it :)
  • akossen
    akossen Posts: 54 Member
    You will do great!!
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    Just about to send you a friends request. All you have ot do is take it one day at a time, and within that, one meal and one exercise session at a time. With the support from your MFP friends, you'll soon settle in and find what works for you. :)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jgall41
    jgall41 Posts: 3
    Hi it is my first day to and I am very nervous about failing as well. So we will do this together.!!!:smile: I think the hardest thing is staying motivated for me.. When I stress I want to eat, well today I decided to go for a walk... Next is making better food choices.. 1 day at a time even 1 min at a time if need be. Good luck.
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member

    You already did one of the most hardest steps! DECIDED to begin this journey.
    Will be here if you need :) but i know that you can do it!!!!

  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    There's nothing to be nervous about - most of the people here are lovely!

    there's some great advice in this thread already - take it slow; expect it to take a while; don't let bad days derail you - you're human, you will mess up occasionally!
  • eelary
    eelary Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you SO SO SO much for all of your kind words and support!!!! I am overwhelmed with how positive and helpful all of you are. I think I have found the right place! :)

    The last 24 hours have had some bumps (just mostly getting my brain to follow what my heart is set on), but with every meal I am committing to this journey and to a new way of thinking about eating. I have already realized how vital it is to have my own food on hand so I can be prepared for moments of weakness. It helped to go grocery shopping right away and stock up on lo-cal snacks and veggies. Even this afternoon in the work cafeteria they were outside grilling (its unseasonably gorgeous here today) and it smelled soooo wonderful! But I went straight back to my desk and ate my yogurt. I needed distraction and it helped to have something I could immediately grab! :)

    Anyway, I look forward to chatting with all of you and once again wanted to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for making me feel so welcome and encouraged on my first day!
  • PrettynWitty12
    PrettynWitty12 Posts: 30 Member
    Interested in being workout buddies?! I'm in Milwaukee!
  • byebyeluvhandles
    byebyeluvhandles Posts: 149 Member
    This is my Day 1 as well. Feel free to add me. Good luck.
  • KeisterBunny
    KeisterBunny Posts: 33 Member
    Hello! I am also from WI. Welcome to a new you! It is hard being a Cheesehead. I love my cheese and carbs. If you need a buddy, I am here for you...
  • wxgurl
    wxgurl Posts: 52 Member
    I totally can relate to the comfort foods! I joke that I am from a family of emotional eaters...we eat when we are happy, sad, mad and glad! You can do this!!! I'm right there with ya! I lost my mom 4 years ago to cancer, and it made my head swim and my weight soar...Sending a friend request!
  • chrissyd2218
    chrissyd2218 Posts: 18 Member
    I've been overweight my whole life and you know what? Now is the time to change! You CAN do it and I believe in you! You can add me if you'd like! We can do it together!